Questions About dosages of abilify

So i changed to latuda 80mg a little while ago and it is so badly sedating that i sleep all day and night. I am only awake enough to do things from about 3 pm until 8pm each day. This is definitely not a welcome effect. My sexual function has definitely been effected negatively too by the way. Cant live like this!
Anyway, i am planning on asking for abilify again when i see pdoc soon. Just wondering what you guys know about dosages of abilify? I want to go on a fairly low dose so im curious what you guys think constitutes as a low dose in oral from.

10mg is the minimum therapeutic dose for schizophrenia.

30mg is the max dose.

I’m on 15mg myself.

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I switched from 20mg Abilify to 80mg Latuda but now on risperidone. I got used to sedation now I sleep 8-9h a day. Abilify was best for negative symptoms and least sedation

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How is the 15 going for you? I think i might request 10-15mg a day for me. Especially since it seems all ap effect me strongly and they all completely obliterate my postive symptoms luckily.

I cant do it ay. I dont want to get used to sedation. I’ll end up doing nothing every day!

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I was on 10mg for a while, then came off meds for 2 years. Big mistake. When I went back on Abilify 10mg wasn’t enough so I had to go to 15mg.

I tried 20mg but it made me feel like a zombie.

My main side effect is anxiety but I found that giving up coffee and taking L-theanine and broccoli sprout extract keeps that at bay.

Abilify has kept me out of the hospital for nearly 10 years now.


Like @everhopeful said, 10mg is the minimum dose for psychosis control.

15mg is also a good median dose for schizophrenia


Thats great to hear it has worked well for you! Hope the doc will permit my request.

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I know that you speak Truth when you tell that the Abilify didn’t do a decent job the second time you went on it cause I’ve learned that psychosis is not good for mental health.

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