…they say schizophrenia involves patients interpreting reality wrongly. Then why are so many of the interpretations so similar: Messiah complexes, conspiracies, delusions of grandeur, etc? I mean, there must be many, many variations of wrongful interpretation (probability-wise) , so why are they so similar?..
I’d say it’s a similar underlying problem that is manifested. Why do we have similar delusions? Why is prevalence roughly 1%? I’d say an underlying genetic cause getting hit by a trigger…nature is anything but inefficient even when it goes wrong…
looks like there are 2 1%s now, right?..anyway, do you think religion is in the human genome?..
I’ve a good response but it’s inappropriate to debate religion and it’s causes here. Too many members are triggered by it. Still. We are the 1 % but there’s variations…there was a spike in Holland after WW2 where starvation caused a rise in sz cases…not sure what that would mean but it’s interesting for sure.
…I think part of it has to do with the events leading up to the onset of symptoms…in my case, I started remembering every funny look people ever gave me (and back then, I had a very good memory) and re-interpreting the things they said at the time…this led to ‘compliments’ becoming secret notifications of my ‘greater’ nature…for example, my younger brother, when we were younger, spent quite some time telling me to ‘fulfil my destiny’ and that I was 'the Elijah"…
Paranoia is a cruel master. I can relate to what your saying because I’d get paranoid to what your saying…It’s a cycle you never win. Meds help though. It’s nice to have some interactions where paranoia isn’t in play…Hope your well on your journey.
Have you ever wondered how someone like Charles Xavier can be held accountable? I mean, what can be proved?
Dr. Adejuyigbe Busayo
It’s like religious beliefs plus mania plus paranoia = messiah / devil complex.
No messiah complex, no religious delusions, no believing conspiracy theories. I just interpret daily interactions so wrong sometimes that it scares me. I can have a conversation with someone and walk away feeling like they complimented me and five minutes later realize they were putting me down and they meant something entirely different.
Happens all the time. My theory is that all people are jealous of me because I am the most important person in the world and the whole world is conspiring to keep me down. And I have a sneaking suspicion god has something to do with it too.
I started asking those questions in 2010. I discovered the Hearing Voices Network and other ways to view these issues along the way and found that a lot of people have these experiences that did not take the main stream psychiatric approach like many of have been forced to. There are deeper reasons for these non-ordinary perceptions, experiences, and some of the beliefs they generate, than simply a chemical imbalance view of them.
Non-Ordinary Experiences and Perceptions are a part of life and are enshrined in the Humanities (Art, Literature, Myth, Religion, and Philosophy). “The Heroic Quest” is a part of almost every single human culture on this planet, nearly universal and goes back in our species for at least 70,000 years according to the most recent archeological and anthropolotical records, probably further (look up the “lion man figurine” on google). Though there are people that definitely experience forms of dementia and other brain damage, poisoning, cognative impairment, or hormonal issues. It is not until relatively that a sort of psychiatric blanketing of human psychic developments has been branded as mental illness. Though some religions have done the same thing in the past to the present with such things as inquisitions and witch burning. Non-Ordinary Perceptions and Experiences are just a part of what it means to be human and in the human condition. Deep meaning can be found in many of these experiences and issues surrounding them. Often we are not given the support or community to explore them.