Interesting depictions of mental illness in works of fiction

There are lots of books and films about mental illness.

Almost 100% of the time they miss the mark for entertainment sake,

But it is still interesting.

One of my favorites is this gem:


That looks like some stretch of the imagination. (He says looking down while reading The Dark Tower) :smiley:

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We have a guy on this site who has written an interesting book about mental illness. Check out jukebox.

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I think @jukebox’s book was not fictional.

Could be wrong.

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@Charles_Foster yes it is an autobiography, non fiction…the book’s first thirty pages are on the home page of this site…it is under “schizophrenia success stories” and the book is called “OUT OF IT”.

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Almost 100% of the time they miss the mark for entertainment sake,

I always think that movies capture madness very well as it’s not hard to imagine. If I’ve lived a trillion lives I know madness.

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