Inspired by Aziz thread I thought us females could discuss dating long term too alongside our conditions

it’s something called convictions.

if you don’t got em you’ll fall for anything.

never mind.

good night.

I’ll leave it there too. Seriously. I have convictions to as in supporting and nurturing others and looking out for the weak and marginalised. I’ve heard such things before in hiding serious issues of humanity. I know you’ve done it tough. I respect that but I don’t respect how you are carrying on and how you are behaving on the forum.


this was completing unnecessary.

I’m wasn’t behaving badly on this thread.

I was speaking truth, of how things Really are.

and I said nothing offensive.

I won’t be on this forum today,
if that makes you feel better.

I’ll say one more thing before getting away

for a brief reprieve, or mod suspesion

never understood people who go for both men and women. just make a choice for God’s sake, and have a solid relationship. if you’re that wishy washy, nobody is gonna want to be with you.

That’s funny, because I’m bi and my man wanted me. 21 years married. He knows I’m into women. Never said one bad word. Nor did the other people I dated.

Before you say something, actually know what you’re talking about.


As for speaking g of “how things really are”, be aware that the type of thinking you are talking about considering trans people is finally going away. Thankfully, people are becoming more caring and inclusive instead of backward and stupid.


It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. If it’s not your thing, then don’t do it. Who someone else loves is none of your business. It’s sad that you can’t accept that.

Same for how someone else identifies.

I’ve seen a lot of your posts and you seem to think your way is the only right way, and you’re wrong. Your way hurts and excludes people.


ok. That’s cheating!

so your man approves of you getting involved intimately with another person?

unbelievable. Not the stories I’ve heard.

I have been dating my partner for almost 4 years…

give me a break, Phil’s son is gay,

and he doesn’t go for women.

He and his partner are practically married.

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When did she ever say she has relationships with women? She says she is into women, and that her husband accepts it.


Oh. So it’s just bisexual, trans, non-binary, and a-gendered people that are unacceptable. Got it.


you’re making accusations that I don’t appreciate.

If you’re happily married to a man, why would you want a woman?

plus it’s not all about sex.

if you don’t have reservatons about a 3-some, something is wrong with you.

Don’t knock it 'til you’ve tried it.

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support and recovery site. yeah right.

this is something I don’t support.

Then be backward. Nobody is forcing you to shut your mouth and be a decent person, but someone should.


And oh my god. I never said I have sex with women. You’re full of yourself today, making accusations and assumptions. You know what they say about the word assume.


I was happily married for over ten years. It was a good relationship and we both worked, brought a house and had a child. Then, after coming off my drug I was hospitalised with psychosis. This proved too much for my husband who then divorced me. Now, I feel like I never want to risk a relationship ever again. I feel overweight, mentally ill, a TV addict and not someone that anyone else would want.

The fact that this site is LBGQT friendly is one of the things I love about it. I think it’s essential that we in the sz community accept and love our Trans and Gay members.

:v: :rainbow_flag: