Inspired by Aziz thread I thought us females could discuss dating long term too alongside our conditions

I haven’t dated in 21 years. Wow. It’s been a long time and I don’t know about getting back into it if something happened to my husband.

you’re young and attractive, from what I gather, your selfie pics.

maybe go for an older man? idk.

Who, me? Thanks, but I’ve gained weight and feel gross. I wouldn’t want to replace hubby anyway. It’d be really hard to find another close to his personality.


I don’t think anyone understands this, who are you talking to? but okay.
Big girls can still dance, and get it on.

Never mind. I never know who is replying to who when they don’t use the reply button on a post to reply directly to someone.

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I have no interest in dating, presently.

I have never used a dating app or a dating service to meet anyone. I am a bit skeptical of them, but I found it interesting to listen to the experiences of others, regarding them.

I want to spend more time with mom, I think.

I’m in a relationship, and have been for 14 years. My partner and I got together at 18. There have been ups and downs, but on the whole, it has been wonderful. Dont give up on finding someone. You may meet someone in the most unexpected places.


“mama do you think she’ll tear your little boy apart?”

I have no idea as to what you are trying to say, here. Can you provide context, please?

you got VanGogh in your profile name,

and don’t know Pink Floyd?

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Van Gogh was long before Pink Floyd’s time. Pink Floyd was long before mine.

What does your quote mean?

I’m gonna stop talking now. thank you. bye.

You seem like an ass, so that’s fine.

I looked up the lyrics. My understanding: You think I am a man, and you look down on men that want to spend more time with their mother, instead of dating.

My sentiment is that a person should be in a good place in their life, before they add another person to the mix.


said I was done talking. thank you.

I don’t belong in either of the threads :confused:

But let’s talk dating. Ever since I broke up with my ex in '15, I haven’t really dared to date a lot.
Went on a few dates that were major duds, but otherwise, I haven’t dared getting close to anyone.

Last year something awoke in me, and I started taking an interest in other people again.

Right now, I’m really infatuated with a person. I don’t know what she thinks of me, but I have no need to escalate the friendship if she doesn’t want to.

When it comes to preferences, I value cute over sexy or pretty.
Anyone can look sexy or pretty if they try.
But for someone my age to be cute, it takes a genuine kind of person.
I prefer people who are intelligent, but not in an obnoxious way. Empathetic, warm, funny.
Someone who has more than one defining personality trait.

The person I like is a bit younger than I usually prefer. I generally try to stay within 3 years of my own age.
She’s 24, but maturity-wise, we’re pretty compatible.

I don’t think I’ll ever date a man again.
I wouldn’t rule it out, I just don’t see myself trusting one enough.


wait, I’m confused, are you a man or a woman. and inclined to both.

okay, well, some of us don’t know.

do you wanna make a choice?

I was born a woman, but don’t identify as such.
I’m attracted to people of all genders.


don’t expect people to easily accept that,

but for sake of forum rules, and mods, I guess it’s something everyone should do.

@Daze it’s 2021 and people live their own lives and don’t need the backwards commentary. Please be civil and supportive.


It’s about being respectful for other human beings who might be different from you. That is all. You say your a writer and your an activist but I don’t see it from posting like you are. It’s anything but civil as it’s confrontational for no particular reason and you complain loudly because we act against it. No more tonight.