Inaccessible. We don’t qualify for food stamps, but with inflation, it just became too expensive. Right now we have a little money from my husband’s inheritance. I don’t know what we will do when that runs out.
I’m sorry you’re in this lurch… Can you keep talking to those around you, starting with your Pdoc?
Maybe you have capital with him/her(you ought to) and they can set you more at ease…
By either somehow getting more monthly from SSDI, or actually qualifying for the food stamps… they’re smart people and we put trust in them…
I’ll try @anon64158233
Because I have SSI, I have a documented disability. Because I have a documented disability, I get a discount form the phone company, the electric company, and the gas company. These discounts are not automatic; one has to apply for them.
Because I have a disability. my bank gives me free checking with a free line of credit just like it offers to the elderly. (Now I am elderly!)
My town has an excellent food bank. They allow me to go once every three weeks and take what I want. Truth be told, if I have no food, they’ll let me go more often than once every three weeks. They also have free used clothing at that food bank.
I can access the other food banks in the area if I wish to do so.
There is a church in South Orleans (not too far from here) who puts on a free dinner every Thursday in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.
Once a year, a church in Eastham (not to far from here) distributes government surpluses of cheese and butter and other foods.
When I went to the minister in the UU Church is Brewster (Not too far from here) to tell l him about trying to help my schizophrenic pen pal in Brasil, he said the church did not want to take on charity for her, but he was going to give me a one time gift of $100 to use any way I wished.
Do you want more leads?
Wow @Jayster ! Thanks so much!!!
My dad was just saying today that food prices at Wal-Mart took a jump.
Luckily I can be happy eating brown rice and black beans, simmered in a broth for flavor in my Instant Pot. I stockpile those two goods bc you never know.
I used to utilize a food bank as well. Sometimes you can get some really good stuff and sometimes it’s just powdered milk, dry goods, and canned goods.
Yeah, I think I’ll start going to food banks when the money runs out.
That’s a great idea. I was so grateful the first time I went I was giving everybody hugs. They probably thought I was nuts but I had no food at all. Don’t remember what I was eating at that time though.
The price of living has definitely gone up. According to what I’ve heard on the topic from economists, prices will come back down, there’s just a lot of uncertainty in the market in this COVID era, we’re sort of emerging from. Emphasis on sort of. @LilyoftheValley, I agree with the other posters who’ve mentioned food banks. Many, many churches have food banks, so make the rounds if you need to. I honestly think prices will drop again, but there’s also the issue of the increasing minimum wages driving the prices up to compensate for the lost revenue from the former prices and to cope with the increased cost of labor.
I’m sure they were very touched by your gratefulness.
Yeah. Hopefully it gets back under control again.
Why don’t you go before money runs out? That way you can save on the things they give you so you don’t have to buy it, might save you from running out to begin with
I went before a few years ago and they asked about income etc. I just figured I’d go when I truly qualified
Yeah some places ask for that some don’t. I go to one called no questions asked, they’re pretty great
Crops are failing all around me in my province and what the drought didn’t get is now being eaten by a plague of grasshoppers. You may want to stockpile your favourite cereal now, guaranteed costs are going up. Western Canada produces a lot of the world’s grains and this year we aren’t.
I like the sound of no questions asked. I actually found one like it. But it’s not a lot of food and it’s once a month, but that’s better than nothing
That’s scary @shutterbug. Luckily, I don’t eat cereal. But I do eat old fashioned oats sometimes.
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