Indoor drums thoughts :)

I Love the drums already i am hooked, and i was told recently it might be ok to get a drum kit in my flat,

Tonight i had a look around and thought about changing my lounge area into the bedroom & social area & making my bedroom a music booth. I figured if i took the proper precautions and sound proofed everything, dampened the drums etc & played quietly i could maybe get away with it,

so i am seriously considering it, and it could be a cool little project to get into.

only problems i can see is my neighbours disapproving and complaining but if i keep it quiet enough it should be ok. (in theory) Any Thought?


Is there such a thing as playing drums quietly?


Electronic drums, sure.

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Drums are really loud. I sold my kit a few years ago and have thought about building a little soundproof room out of plywood and foam. Like a cage and still use an electric kit cause the tics would bother my neighbors. If you do go the acoustic route I would suggest these drum dampeners.

I had them on my kit. They reduce the sound more than anything else I’ve found.

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Here was my setup


that looks awesome eric, sorry you had to sell them,

The drums I’d get would be on hire for £6 a month, they might even have ideas themselves to make my own drum dampening. thanks for sharing that though, that look awesome.

My room is surrounded by thick walls and has no neighbours through the wall except for underneath, i figure if i play during the day they wont be in their bedrooms or even a bit later, I’d probably get a good floor mat and maybe raised it off the ground a bit to deaden the kick.

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@TheSecondVariety that were some beautiful things…

@daydreamer I asked a friend, he told me that he uses a traveler drum kit


or the suggestion of electric set is a good one.

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Electric would be the way to go for apartment living

They are so so loud.

You’d be bound to get a noise complaint


Are you still playing the drums?

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These are Roland electronic drum module and pads with Zildjian generation 16 drilled out symbols with electronic pick ups on them.These cymbals make about a quarter of the noise of regular symbols

I can plug in my phone and put on some headphones and play along to music


How long have you been playing the drums?

I have been playing drums since I was 17. I’m in my early 50’s now.


hey grookey, I know drums are loud but there are ways to make them quieter, can dampen drums and us noise reduction techniques,

The electronic drums dont look like fun at all, they look terrible and probably sound terrible too, it wouldnt be authentic,

@Dude1 those look very minimal but i’m guessing you’ve used various techniques over the years, I get that a practice kit doesnt need to be amazing,

My hang up is that i cant just go buy drums bc I’ll be renting them from a music charity, so I’ll get what is there and I’ll have to ask what i can do to reduce sound while playing them.

I thought this was a cool video, those drums sound awesome & not too loud i’d say.

No i quit when I sold my kit. I couldn’t play them in my apartment. They were at my moms before. I did percussion in junior high and played the snare and can read music though.


I spoke to the girl today at the music charity, she said sometimes using cloth and maybe mesh heads would be good at noise reduction.

I’m thinking about what i’d need to do to make this work, its a lot of work, i’d need to get a new bedframe & possibly remove my sofa,

i saw a great set of Roland Electronic drums & they were very cheap, they were so cheap i was wondering what’s wrong with them or if they are stolen, the profile that is selling them looks a little suspicious but i asked my cuz what he thought cause he knows his ■■■■.

I found a nice set of e drums that are very good for the price, now I’m wondering if i should buy them, they are just over £500 but the quality is very good for that price, its still very pricy though but it could be worth it.
here is a video of the ones i’m looking at

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I got my e-drums delivered recently & i set them up, so I’ve been trying to play them & to get use to working the module :slight_smile: i think i’m starting to get use to it, i was playing today and it was a lot of fun.

The next challenge is trying to sync them up with my laptop & get it working wth tthe software i got with it, i downloaded & installed it but it may need a little youtube research to get up to scratch with it :slight_smile: