Indifference is killing me

I am very indifferent to most things.
I don’t care whether my apartment is clean or not, I don’t care whether the foods I eat are healthy or not, heck, half the time when someone asks me what I want to eat, the answer is “I don’t care” or “I don’t know” because I really couldn’t give a crap as long as it’s tasty food.

I do a lot of things I shouldn’t because I don’t really care about the consequences, and there are a lot of things I avoid doing because I don’t care about the consequences of not doing them.

I know that ambivalence or indifference is a symptom of SZ, but is there a way to break out of it without flying off to the other side of the spectrum and going OCD?

What I’m asking, is… Is there a healthy way to care more about things without becoming a worry-wart?
To break out of the schizophrenia-induced ambivalence?


Quoting: 'indifference is killing me’
Me: I killed my indifference :smile:

My mind is more stronger & powerful than indifference

But how did you get rid of it?

Even when there are compelling arguments as to why I should care about something, I just can’t seem to do it.

I was just kidding, sometimes I care about many things, other times I’m indifferent, I think is normal for having both sometimes. Idk how to explain, but too much indifference is bad or too much caring. TBH idk :smile:

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I’m indifferent, but I don’t care


In all seriousness, my indifference bothers me a lot. One of the things I really struggle with

Are you indifferent on how you look? I think you care about that so you’re not indifferent

I’m the same way except there’s a lot of things I don’t do because I am afraid something bad might happen. I don’t know how to care either. Maybe someone can tell us how.

Do you take antidepressants? When I took lexapro I got super apathetic and because of it and Seroquel I gained some weight and didn’t care because of the meds. Now I take pristiq and it has helped me stop worrying so much.

I want to not look like a hobo, but I’ve been told I could put in a lot more efforts regarding my looks. I never do anything with my hair, and I don’t wear makeup


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