In the back of a cop car

I was just watching cops and it made me realize how greatful I am for meds. I’ve been in the back of cop cars way too much but at least im better now


you gotta realize you don’t want to be in those situations and rationality just takes over.

Same with hospitals. Often for us they go hand in hand.


Hear that. Been escorted by the police to hospital before.

To be honest I am glad they take me to hospital and not jail.


I’ve been in the back only 6 or 7 times. Six times it was the cops taking me to the psyche ward.
Once it was because they found crack and used hypodermics in my car. I could have served some time I guess, but the cop who put me there let me go. Yeah, I don’t miss those days.

I have no idea how I have had no serious problems with the law… I’ve been taken to hospital in the back of a panda… but I’ve not been tazered, clubbed… or worse.

I consider my self very lucky.

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I guess I was pretty lucky too. The only time I was in jail during my drug using was when I spent a day in jail for a “failure to appear” for a speeding ticket.

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One time I was sitting in a cop car with handcuffs on, and I realized it would probably be a simple matter for them to drive us into an alley and beat the daylights out of me. I said to the cop, “I guess the police are very practiced in the use of force.” He looked at me and said, “pain compliance”. I said, “What?” He said they practiced pain compliance to control people.

When I see the sentence “sitting in the back of a cop car”, three situations immediately come to mind: walking through Alabama, I was picked up by the police on the edge of town and taken to an unnamed spot and let go; picked up by the police on the street in New Orleans with another person I was with, I was driven to the House of Detention for a nine day stay; the only person I could rely on after a fireworks celebration on the fourth of July somewhere in NJ, was a policeman, who drove me and my wife-to-be home to our halfway house somewhere else in NJ. I hate those metal barriers they have in their cars to keep you from attacking them.

One time I got in a struggle with four policemen. They put the handcuffs on me super tight. Then they threw me in the back of a squad car with three other mental patients and we had to ride ninety miles to the mental hospital. My right hand was numb for two weeks. The police know a lot of mean tricks to play on you. You can tell how mad they are by how tight they put the handcuffs on.

Yeah, when they put the cuffs on me when they found crack in my car, my hand was numb for two weeks after they took them off too! And when the stupid cop was yelling at me, he kept jabbing my face with his finger and drew blood is several places on my face. They had me in the back seat of the cop car but when they let me go, the first thing I did was drive to another city and buy more crack.

Me too. But is still crappy!