In 20 years you aren't going to regret the things you did, you're going to regret the things you didn't do

Mark Twain

I found this paticuarlly inspiring. I already regret the chances and opportunities that I took for granted and missed out on something. All the times I turned down my sisters invitations or turned down an opportunity to make a friend. I hope I keep this in mind when I’m invited to my next party or invitation to go out to eat that come up often.


That is particularly apropos of me. I do very little. I’m hoping I can get better.

ahh my life…I have had a big stringer of women so no regrets there. I think that would really eat on my if I hadn’t had the opportunity to go to college. I’m fine with my life now, even though I need a lot more to do every day.

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I do not know if I agree with that, 20 years ago I lived in a totally different world and life in another side of the world.

It’s nice to be reminded of that fact. It’s easy to forget and stay in the comfort zone.


Thank you, and I hope things are getting better for you.


Thanks kidsister, things are OK sometimes. Have a nice afternoon.

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I regret not going to College and taking on an Advertising degree when I was younger…I’ve often thought it would have been an excellent vehicle for my sense of humour and intellect.

But it’s never too late I suppose. I have a happy and contented life now just the same though…(when properly medicated that is).

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I regret not going to jungle training when the opportunity presented itself

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