I don’t post this type of stuff too much, but today I’m feeling very lonely and alone. I have no friends in real life, and I rely on my wife for social support, which may be unjust. I don’t want to “get out there and meet people.” I don’t even know what that phrase means. Someone give me some guidance please.
im like you,i feel lonely too.hang in there budd.its okay.we all feel lonley in some way or another
Sorry man. That’s a tough situation to be in.
If you want to meet new people put yourself out there. That means getting out. A church group or a hobby group may be a good idea. That’s if you truly have a desire to meet new people.
Some folk like me are introverts. That essentially means we prefer and are comfortable being alone. You may be an introvert judging by the comment you don’t feel like meeting new people.
I’m never really alone because I hear voices all day long that talk to me. I have conversations with them all day long.
Sorry you feel alone so much. It is good to have friends. I mostly hang out with my family and one friend who comes over every so often. At least you are on this board talking to people.
Did you try groups for people with mental disorders like clubhouses?
I’m sorry you feel that way… I hope you feel better soon☺️ But at least you have a wife! I realized that all I really need is my family around and I don’t feel too lonely… and this forum… I started to think I spend too much time reading here…lol
Same, my parents and brothers make me never feel lonely. I have friends calling me everyday but I stopped hanging out with them since stopping Abilify early this year where I started posting here lol
Try meetup.com or joining a clubhouse or church or clubs. They’re full of people looking to make friends
i live with my mother now we used to live together with my brothers and sister but they all got married.im very lonley now though.
Do you play video games? Which ones?
Being lonely is hard. I have a wife, but no real social contact. I’m happy this way, but if you aren’t, then you really need to make the effort. Push yourself to get out there I think. Join some clubs if there is anything you are interested in. Maybe, try to join online clubs. I know of a person who lost her husband who made hundreds of online friends. She didn’t need much real life social contact after making these online friends, but everyone’s different.
ps4 when im depressed i dont play anything.
iv been living alone for 5 years now.i think about suicide daily.i envy you.i dont think you lonley mate.thats not lonliness.
You are right. I don’t think I’m as lonely as you are. Sorry if it seemed like I was saying that. I wasn’t trying to say that I’m more lonely than anyone else. I hear voices all the time so I’m not really that lonely.
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