Stick to one thing and be talented with one thing. Instead I hop from one hobby to the next without fully learning from it. Knitting , crochet , card making, polymer clay brooches, amigurami , art , photography ugh it’s a lot to spend.
I get lost in thoughts that I could be amazing, like an amazing author, better then J.K Rowling but I come back to reality that I’m boring bobbilly who didn’t even finish school.
I’m sure you’re not boring @bobbilly youve been so many places and have lots to share
Thank you @anon25873142. Sorry for derailing you thread.
I think you’re doing great if you can do so many arts and crafts, I don’t have the concentration for these, or cooking.
You haven’t derailed my thread. I have no patience for cooking either. I usually need to be interested in things to try them.
Do you start these hobbies impulsively (really quickly with much thought?) Do you feel sort of a “high” when you start the hobby? Is it your attention span as to why you stop the hobby?
What do you mean by “fully learning from it?” If you mean that your goal is to become an expert at a hobby, I would focus on the process and not the goal. To be an expert at anything requires a lot of discipline. You’ll have to work on your hobby on a regular basis; you’ll have to practice your hobby even when you don’t want to. I have a saying: The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.
I hope you can figure out why you jump from hobby to hobby.
I spend endless time on YouTube and Instagram (which I reactivated btw ). When I see someone do something really interesting I really want to learn. Like my attempt at amigurami. I made a teddy but it wasn’t perfect. I gave up when someone told me it looked like a mouse. I saw some video on tiktok of someone making a weighted blanket so I’ve started making one. Do I feel high ? I’m not sure but I feel it’s all I want to do for hours and hours at a time. Then a day comes when I’m bored and even forget how I managed to do it.
Sounds like a case of imposter syndrome.
What does that mean?
One of my support workers loves baking and because she lives on her own I’m her guinea pig, lol and I try most of her baking, and she’s amazing at baking, she tries baking continental cakes and breads from places like South Korea and Iran where she watches bakers on tic tock from there I always try her respites, I’m honest with her if they are nice or horrible., when she’s bakes them for me and they are successful she then cooks them for rest of my support team. I told her many times she should open a German bakery in town.
When people start jobs, hobbies, etc. they feel they are doing bad when they’re doing well.
I don’t think I do terribly I just don’t give them a chance enough to become even better.
@anon25873142 I think it’s normal where you get bored at doing something, When I’m on my health kick and walking 10 miles a day I set lots of goals, then get bored and stop walking. It’s only when I reset my goals I start thinking I can’t stick to anything. I think this is pretty normal to be honest.
I understand, but it takes a long time to be really good at anything. It’s not going to be “perfect” right away. It takes time and a lot of practice. Maybe keep trying?
I moved on to making other things with crochet in the end. I think I get fixated on craft and it doesn’t matter what craft it is , if if looks interesting I want to be the one to try.
This shows you are inquisitive which is a very good thing @anon25873142
Ah okay, maybe not.
I think I should just accept I’m gonna have loads of interests and that’s not a bad thing , it’s ok. I just need to be mindful of spending though.
Especially if you have hypermania or mania. I alway spend way too much on everything in them states.
I doubt I have any kind of mania… I’m having an ADHD assessment soon and not forgetting autism that might be causing me to fixate