I'm slowly driving more

I’ve been making progress. I have been going out to Starbucks, getting food, and got gas recently.

Next goals include picking up my prescription and going to NAMI.

Long term goals include going to a community college in another city.


good job man, be careful :slight_smile:


AA says, “Progress, not perfection.”

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Great job. I too have been driving more. I’m not going on highway. Just around the town and from my brother work to VA


Start small is good. I learned to drive on the other side of the road. That really was something hard to do. I did a lot of simple drives but did them a lot like take mrs to and from work and kid to school. Took a while but it did become second nature.

I think your on the path to wellness and hope you get there.


You seem to have laid it out well and you seem realistic but still have future goals which is good.

I can only drive to a few local places but I also have a goal to drive in to a shopping centre.

I am grateful for my license and car.
I’m not the best driver but I just want to be good enough and try to improve myself.

I freak out at getting lost and I can’t follow a nav man because by the time my brain has processed what they have said it’s too late and I missed the turn n take the wrong turn and get lost…

Driving is a very big deal to me.
Specially to new places.
I usually need someone ro direct me

That’s awesome good job

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Glad to hear you are out doing stuff.
It’s good to get out.
The home can become like a prison sometimes.
My car equals freedom.

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Well, you don’t want to hold up traffic.

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