I started driving

To make this change happen, I quit geodon, started a different med with less side effects, took 2 week extra required to adjust to the new dosage, and talked to my doctor about driving beforehand.

I just had my first driving lesson with a teacher that the government sends out for people with physical disabilities.

Today’s lesson went well, although I’m a little sore.



I can’t drive anymore but am happy for those who can.

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Congrats! That’s great news!

I drive but its my father that pays the mechanic. I can’t afford a car if it wasn’t for my father.

That’s great @whirling-leaves!

Just drove for the first few days and I think it’s going well so far. @Jonathan2 @LilyoftheValley @Aziz @Aziz


It’s a skill like any other so good your doing it!

It takes practice but keep at it. I had to learn to drive on the other side of the road and it was really strange and hard…

You’ll be surprised by what you can do so glad the early lessons are going well. More power too you!

Wow @whirling-leaves … now you are more brave than me… congrats!

Yay! How exciting! Great job!

Day 3 driving!! Turning right and left, and doing a u-turn are notoriously difficult! I keep thinking that I would get hit by an oncoming car because they drive so fast!

Today I encountered a driver who was making a u-turn and starting to drive on a wrong lane. I was like ??? What is happening? So I honked and the driver was angry at all of us who were waiting. It was really weird.


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