Moving to another country. I have my reasons and i know i cant talk about it here. My first choice currently is the Netherlands, but Canada would be easier. Both you can still receive ssdi as long as you qualify.
Why let the dirtbags win though?
I know where you’re coming from, but other countries will be very hard to immigrate to, not to mention to adapt to culturally also.
I mean, I’m not looking at America through rose colored glasses but things are way worse off in a lot of Europe.
Hell, Italy just elected an openly fascist prime minister!!
It’s bloody expensive. Look at exchange rates and fees and charges can eat your money.
I’ve some friends over there in the US who’ve bought property in Mexico. That is a little different as you have more bang for your dollar and it’s cheaper to live. Euro is way expensive depending on the country. Yeah you might be able to move with your benefits but you might find it hard to pay the bills…
Either way as someone who has done it with financial support I wouldn’t recommend it.
Come to Canada!
Gosh im hifhly considering it. It would be easiest for sure. Whats the cost of living like for you?
Yea come to Canada! Cost of living is fine imo
I’m lucky that I dont have to pay rent. I do help out with buying groceries though
I’ve also been considering leaving my country things are getting very scary for people like me. I have no idea how I’d manage it but things feel like they’re getting worse here.
Ansolutely. Things are getting terrible here and i feel like its only going to get much worse. At this point im not even sure ill survive
Maybe moving states would be enough of a culture shift for you.
I don’t know where you live,
But I know when I was living in the south,
I never fit in.
I wanted to move to another country.
Now I’m out of the red states and it feels much better.
Kind of is like a different country, honestly.
It’s an expensive move, regardless of how you choose.
I’ve also considered moving to canada, Some of my family is on the USA and they also want to migrate to canada.
My partner is talking about moving to illinois. It might be enoufh of a blue state but im.not sure in the long run what will happen in the USA. Things feel way too shakey for lgbt people
The East and West coasts are pretty blue, @Moon.
I come from a fly-over state and now live in New England— thinking is quite welcomed over here .
I’d still give a new state a try before I’d leave the country.
We need our LGBT community.
But I understand wanting to live somewhere more in line with your views.
You could certainly find that in a blue state.
I think most countries reserve the right to deny entry to folk with chronic illness. For a long stay I think
I agree, part of me wants to stay and fight but im just not sure i have it in me. Ive been an activist in the past and ive seen first hand how ugly it can get. Ive seen people get so traumatized by the violence that can happen even during an otherwise peaceful protest. The last protest i went to someone got hit by a car and dragged for a bit, they were in serious condition, and it was a very peaceful and lawful protest. Im tired of the gun violence. US has one of the highest gun violence rates in the world. I hear guna going off thoroughout the night inmy neighborhood. Ive been told people in my neighborhood talk about me, asking my.nextdoor neighbor if im a boy or a girl, in 2021 some dude at the bus stop mistook me for a trans woman and he touched my butt without consent and when i told the bus driver she said why did you talk to him? My family is unsupportive. I have next to nothing tying my here.
I just often wonder when am i next? When will i be raped or murdered sinply because i am trans and obviously so. I dont want to hide in fear and go back in the closet. I have ge der identity diaorder on my medical records and i cant hwlp but regret that now, i wonder if and when qill the government use that against me.
I don’t think it’s realistic to move to a different country.
Have you considered a place like Seattle?
Or, most of California?
They’re expensive, but less expensive than gaining citizenship somewhere else.
There are lots of places you can go where there is a more supportive community within the states.
I dont know if its realistic. Im looking into it. I already have 4 other people that are trans and ive known for a long time that are interested in it as well, and i may (emphasis on may) be getting more backpay after my last hearing, my lawyer is very hopeful about that, so depending on that it may be more plausible.