For my future. I’ve decided divorce is best but I’m scared my husband will be hurt.
He’s a good man but we have toxic relationship.
I still love him and always will.
I’m terrified I’m throwing a good man away but I’m also scared that if I keep on with him the arguments and toxic relationship will continue.
I want a divorce for my own good. Am I being selfish in that? I have peace about it but I’m so scared for…hurting him. I feel my heart is so sore at what is to come.
I’m living with my sister now and the excitement has worn off and reality staring me in the face.
I need courage to continue with my decision but I’ve always been a scaredy cat.
At the moment depression is setting in after two weeks of high mood. And I feel so dead. I wanna cut but I don’t even have the energy for that
I’m also scared that my husband will come to my sister’s house and break in and kill me - or threaten me with a knife like he did his mother and brother and tenant.
You describe the relationship as toxic and you are scared of your husband hurting you. I understand that you love this man or it wouldn’t be such a hard choice but you have to look out for your own safety and mental wellbeing.
Thanks guys. Yes I am scared of him but sometimes I’m not as he can be very soft and gentle.
When I asked him why he attacked his father and uncle the other night he said because they gave him a fright. And when I asked in the past why he threatened others with a knife he said because he wanted to scare them so they’d listen to him
Justifying it doesn’t erase it that’s what I say!
I’m scared of him sometimes - and he’s scared of me sometimes too!
As I said - its quite toxic.
And yes the hardest part of divorcing is that I will always love him and think of the good times we had. But overall it’s quite a suffocating relationship. Today he phoned me six times.
Divorce is extremely stressful.
Please take care of yourself during this rough period.
Try to rely on family members like your sister during this time.
Also find yourself a good attorney with the help of your sister.
Please create a safe space for yourself during this sensitive time.
Keep your distance away from him and listen to your attorney.
Thanks @Wave for your advice. Yes I made appointment with muslim judicial council for 19 Jan to start proceedings, and continuing to stay with my sister.
The hard part is to tell my husband I’m leaving for good. At moment he just thinks it’s a separation but doesn’t know my intention to divorce
It’s so tough! That’s the worst. In the end, my husband has a good heart - but he’s… he’s… oh well just … not good for me it seems
You need to get away from this guy. You might have to rely on your sister for a while. Don’t let your husband separate you from your support network. Try to remain visible to the world so that anything he does he will have to account for.
You can’t thrive and grow as an individual in a relationship when you are scared of that person…always walking on eggshells. Change is difficult for everyone, but particularly those with afflictions like ours.
Like everyone has said, stay close to your sister and Mom. I think this will get better with time…as most things usually do.