End up killing my husband with my thoughts just like I did his mother. I’m scared because I do love him but I often fantasise about being single again. But I don’t want to kill him because he deserves to live. He’s a good man. My thoughts are evil. Alien is trying to influence me again. I don’t … Or do I …want…
Should I be the sacrifice? Not thinking of that yet but hope it doesn’t come to that. I’m already getting urges to cut
Dunno why im feeling this way. I am taking all my meds.
Maybe your voices about killing him are a reflection of you wanting to be single.
When do you see your pdoc? Do you tell them everything?
I’m scared gunmen will come into the mosque today and shoot. I will hide in the car but I think of walking around the streets sometimes
I am bothered by thoughts way too much too. Bad thoughts made me disturbedly anxious when I first got sick. I was so sad they said I had to be on meds.
I see my pdoc on 9th march but get my meds also on 9th feb so maybe make appt for then
That’s a long time. Do you have a therapist? Or someone who can support you in these trying times.
I speak to my pdoc next week. I’m anxious since we are having a power struggle over the med for my constricted throat. She wants me to see specialists before trying it and I’m like I’m not well enough to make an appointment with one and get there which may not be true.
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