I wish i was in my 60’s so that i would die of old age in few years and be done with suffering from sz.
Any one else feel the same about death?
Maybe i need to bump up my dosage of invega from 100 to 150 and see if that helps but yeah . I have hard time when it comes to going to the store or hanging out with friends. I get drained
For some sz gets better with age. I have improved in the last decade (I’m 35 now) and so can you. Don’t give up!
No. I’m running out of years between advancing age and an advanced heart problem. I still have things left I’d like to do.
I’ve said it before, and so help me, I’ll say it again.
“Life is short. Play hard.”
I had the same feeling in the past.
But it’s gone now. I’m happy to be young and strong
Sorry to hear, maybe antidepressants might help, but really ask yourself, are you constantly not enjoying your life or only sometimes ? Remember, i guess its wintertime where you are, seasonal depression is common i guess.
keep working with your psychiatrist and see if you can make yourself better? I am 60 and loving life.
One day at a time is what I tell myself
I’m 58 years old and getting closer to death.
I’m diabetic, obese, I have an enlarged heart, I have high triglycerides, I have a fatty liver and suffer with tachycardia and atherosclerosis
I no longer fear death like I did in my youth
Now I kind of welcome it
I don’t know why you are telling a stranger the option to being depressed is to die. Pretty awful advice.
I flagged your post. My estimation of you has gone way down.
Medically assisted suicide is NEVER an option
I didn’t flag your post. Also, personal attack of my morals when you know nothing about me is outrageous.
I’m reopening this for the sake of the op who needs extra support right now. Sometimes I feel really old, too. You could definitely try a med change. I also use coping skills and hobbies when I’m feeling overwhelmed and down.
Being 25 is awesome.
You have time to make changes for a better future.
Start with your meds and get adjusted.
Then just do the old “fake it until you make it” act until you’re genuinely happy.
Worked for me.
Fair enough. What is your solution to watching people suffer when no relief is possible and they are miserable… other than forcing them to live like that.
You attacked me first by saying my advice is awful.
I wanted to move to Canada but they were not keen on people who are a drag on health care