My mom got me a health coach to try and help me get in tip top shape. The thing is I’m depressed and actually wouldn’t mind dying relatively young, or so I think.
What is the point of a long life with SZ?
Does anyone else have similar feelings?
My mom got me a health coach to try and help me get in tip top shape. The thing is I’m depressed and actually wouldn’t mind dying relatively young, or so I think.
What is the point of a long life with SZ?
Does anyone else have similar feelings?
I used to think pretty negatively when I was younger. Sure have changed my mind! I’m happy to exist. I’m happy to continue to exist for a while yet with sz in consideration.
Life can be hard. It can be tough. But it’s never uninteresting!
I used to feel that way and still do from time to time when my family and friends dont understand me.
But the mystery of the future is greater. And how we’ll overcome it is powerful. I mean my life is a lot different from other people’s. A Spirit told me not to hurt myself in that way. I do get embarrassed to think about it while remembering that day. I think life is to precious to lose.
I’m not as optimist as yous think. I’m a realist. But I believe all things are possible if we believe.
It’s to late for me to think about dying young. As I look back on my life. Both the good the bad and the ugly.
I’m glad I am still here.
I wish you wouldn’t talk like that !! Ofcourse your life will get better and then you will wonder why you ever wanted to die young…I am 56 and 57 in April…I was suicidal and had two attempts on my life before I figured out that I just needed some hope in life. Find and nourish your hope in life…be hard to say what gives you hope…
I wouldn’t mind getting old, as long as it didn’t come with dementia
I really hope I don’t live past 60
I try to be stoic about it and say that my time comes when it comes. If I die young that’s how it was meant to be.
A lot of the time I passively wish to be dead so I don’t have to deal with life anymore. And because I’m curious for what comes next. But at the same time I have set goals I want to accomplish before I go.
Can’t imagine being old and doing well with SZ with no one to take care of you. Once my mom and dad are gone if I’m not married. Yeah I’ll have some friends but they can’t be fulltime caretakers… I don’t need that now and am living on my own but later on who knows
@FatMama how awful I feel for you to say that. You just need more love and hope in your life…you will always have your children to look after you…you will be a grandma. you will see sunsets.
I want independent kids before dying. At least two.
I don’t know if I can be a grandparent at this rate, though.
I wouldn’t take my life. But I am not exactly scared of dying. I don’t want to disappear. It’s not fear though. It’s simply a desire to move on and see what happens next.
How old are you?
Hi. I’m 35
How about you?
I’m also 35!