I'm psychotic again

I was off the olanzapine for 2,5 months. And now I am psychotic again. My mind is so overactive, filled with confusing thoughts and paranoia. I so need peace. I don’t know what to do


Get to the ER 1555555


Maybe try the emergency or call your dr and get back on olanzapine. Olanzapine is a great medication. I hope you feel better soon. @anon55055794

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I’ve been on olanzapine for over 15 years. It’s a good med.

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I have moved this to DX’d - Other as The Lounge is intended for general banter that is not related to mental illness. Thanks for understanding.


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I agree, the best thing you can do is going to the ER explaining your symptoms.
I wish I had done that, in my last psychosis the cops brought me to the hospital
Which wasn’t great.

I hope you see a pdoc soon.
Best of luck.


You need to go to ER. Or call your doc as @anon90992146 said. You need to get on meds again. Sorry for what you’re going through… should be horrible
Wish you best of luck…


It got worse because I joined a philosophy class. Now I keep asking myself questions. Like who has the right to my mind? What is a mind? What is a right? Who has the right to my mind?
I ask myself these questions because I know that the antipshycotics change my mind, my thoughts, my emotions. So if the psychiatrist prescribe me medication then it is like if my mind is no longer my own?

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You sound like your really struggling if i was you I’d go get help

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Thank you. It is just that because I got off meds, I lost weight and I started to have real feelings again. I love my son again. I could have a sex life again. And I have missed these things

Maybe olanzapine isn’t the right medication you and your doctor have to figure out a balance you know what I mean

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Yes last Tuesday he offered to find me something else, other than olanzapine or Seroquel. I said no but I should have

Yeah there are lots of meds that help but it’s trial and error

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I think that is worth trying. It is not worth it to have a skinny body if you feel like ■■■■


I :100: agree being happy is the most important thing to live for i have a philosophy that if your happy nothing else matters in other words if your self esteem and mood are good and you truly are happy then it’s worth it

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I would suggest limiting stuff like that. When study or think about things that cant be proven or disproved like various topics in philosophy or religions then you open yourself up to questioning a lot of things.

And with a mind prone to psychosis our thought processes are more flexible than most.


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