I have been psychotic again

I have had a pattern where I went on and off meds. It is olanzapine, and I really hate it because of it’s side effects.
In the beginning it was really interesting. I was having a lot of spiritual thoughts. I thought that I was able to feel a ghost in my bedroom and that she (the ghost) stroke my face when I was sad one night. Also I believed that I was a reincarnation of my friend’s ex girlfriend Who has died young. And that I was destinied to move across the earth last thursday. At first I was being really euphoric and feeling so special.
But then my psychosis were turning into paranoia. At first I was scared that my neighbors would believe that I was supporting Putin in the war with Ukraine. Which I’m certainly not. Just because I happened to listen to music by the russian band Tatu.
Then I feared that the social services, the center for addiction and my psychiatrist were acting against me to prevent me from seeing my son and thereby ruining my life.
I’m back on the olanzapine, but it has been some really hard days, and my friend is angry with me.
I can’t stop thinking that People will find me much more interesting when I’m off meds.


I think it’s wise to resume your meds @anon8091425. Get back on track before your symptoms get too much.


I’m sorry your suffering but zyprexa has been good to me,


@rogueone @eighteyedspy23
I’m back pn my meds, and I’m starting to feel at peace. I just don’t know why a psychosis can change from beautiful and interesting into so scary and painfull in a few days.


Hope your feelings of peace continue @anon8091425.

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Thank you, I’m just so sorry that I came on bad terms with my friend

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Maybe your friend will be happier with you now that you are stabilizing back on meds @anon8091425

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Yes I Hope so too. But I said something both stupid and hurtful :frowning:

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