I'm Not Even Schizophrenic

I don’t know what Schizophrenia is, exactly, but I seem to relate to it a lot.
I found this site, after talking with my psychiatrist. He told me there is a website for people like me, who hear voices and see things. I couldn’t find the one he was talking about, but I found this.
I like it here, because I can talk and be free without being judged. I understand everyone and they seem to understand me.
I don’t know who I am, a lot of the time, and I go through some pretty difficult days. I like knowing I that I can rant on here if I need to, and people always say such nice things.
I don’t know what my official diagnosis is, besides Depression and Anxiety. No one ever wants to talk about the things I see, hear, and feel and that torment me, that isn’t related to those diagnosis, so it’s nice to be able to talk to people on here.
Very glad I found this website.


Has your psychiatrist put you on meds for your voices and hallucinations?

I was recently Abilify, but he only prescribed 4mg. It didn’t help and gave me bad side effects. I have not been on any medication since 2013.

Can you change psychiatrist if you wanted to?

You should be getting treatment for voices and hallucinations. You say they don’t want to talk to you about that and instead suggested you go to the internet for help.

Something sounds very wrong with this scenario.


I don’t have schizophrenia either, technically. I have psychosis NOS. everhopeful is right though. Your psychiatrist should take your hallucinations seriously. You might have to be more forceful about finding a solution. For me, my Geodon doesn’t make the hallucination go away, but it changes them to more pleasant things and less waking nightmares.


I tried to get my old psychiatrist back, from when I was hospitalized in 2013. She wasn’t taking any new patients, though…
I know, and I have basically given up on them.
My therapist always talks about anxiety and positive self talk, which to me isn’t really an issue. I don’t see her anymore, because it’s a waste of time.
My psychiatrist is no help either. I finally got to talk to him a little bit about voices, last time. He was confusing the hell out of me. And he asked me if I could get my voices to talk to him. I didn’t understand what he meant and I didn’t know how, so I got really upset. I am just not going to see him again, either. He is no help.

You probably suffer from SZA just like me.

No one takes me seriously. My family members think it’s a joke, so I hide it from them. My mom says I have demons, and I think she may be right. I see no other explanation.
That’s good that something works for you.

I don’t know what that is.
I don’t even know if I am sick, or even have anything at all.
I don’t even know who I am, sometimes. So it doesn’t matter, I guess.

I’m sorry the system is failing you. Unfortunately, there are tons of terrible psychiatrists out there. Are you in the US? If so, sometimes the only way to get in with a new doctor is to be hospitalized, but that is both horrible and expensive. It might be worth it though. You will have to be your own advocate though, and insist on seeing a new doctor. Otherwise, they’ll probably just bounce you back to your current doc.

When it affects your ability to function you may begin to look at it more in terms of reducing symptoms.

Are you looking to reduce or rid yourself of the hallucinations or just looking to discuss them?

Welcome :blush:

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I am in a similar situation recently. I switched to a new psychiatrist and I can’t get the old one back because she basically doesn’t care. She and my therapist at the last practice kicked me off their system because I had missed an appointment on my b-day and a snowstorm. Yet they could cancel on me when I was on my way to an appointment, at the last minute. For inclement whether they should have been able to resolve that. I went to a federally funded outpatient service. The people there are much nicer, but they are also harder to access and don’t seem as professional in understanding schizophrenia. My female psychiatrist diagnosed me with schizoaffective, but also wrote down “alcohol abuse” just because I said I drank one beer once in awhile and she said that because I have schizoaffective I’m not allowed to drink. I found her abusive and I’m glad I don’t go to the private practice anymore. I also tried to see a new psychiatrist at the private practice and he made me cry, insulted me, then kicked me out and said he wouldn’t accept me as a new patient because I was being positive and he was cutting me off, being cruel.

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It could be your psychosis causing all your trust issues with psychiatrists

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I am in Canada, and healthcare is free, unless you require some sort of specialized treatment. At least that’s what my mom said.
I don’t want to be hospitalized, again. Last time was because I tried to kill myself, and they were so scary. They kept changing my meds and diagnoses and confusing me. I couldn’t tell them anything, because if I said one wrong thing to them they put you in a cell in the back amd don’t let you out for 3 days, except for meals.
I didn’t k ow what was the wrong and right thing to say to them, so I shut up completely and pretended I was fine, till I was discharged.
I do not want to go through that, again. It was no help and very traumatizing.

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I don’t know what I want. I don’t know what is and what isn’t…
I just like coming here to talk.
Thanks. :slight_smile:

You’ve got to change your psychiatrist if this is at all possible in my opinion.


Well if you want to talk about what’s going on feel free, you can describe them in as much detail or as little as you like. Depression and anxiety suck, I found the best way to deal with them is to keep them out of your, for want of a better word bubble, it’s hard though if it’s your body causing the depression and anxiety because it’s inside your bubble, but environmental factor such as people places and things that cause it you can avoid.


That is so horrible! People can be so evil… I’m sorry that happened to you.
I honestly don’t see what the mental health professionals have to offer, but nonsense. It’s a waste of time for me.
My current doctor was very mean to me too, and took nothing I said seriously. He said I should be working and if I stop “just sitting around and thinking about my problems all the time” that I would be better.
I don’t k ow what they are trying to do. It must just be another element of controlling society.

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Thank you.
It is hard, I feel very overwhelmed, sometimes.
I do avoid a lot. I don’t really go places, because being out of my house is scary. Even my roommate is scary…
I just stay home and I read and do things around the house. Sometimes I am with my family, but they stress me out. I like my bubble, it’s safe and nice, when I get to stay inside it.

Is there anywhere you feel safe outside your house? I enjoy fishing so I bring it into my bubble, I will happily travel a few miles to go to somewhere nice and remote, I find it keeps the stress down because a lot of people I know now associate me with my illness and I’d rather stay away from it because they treat me differently now.

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