I'm new! Lets chat!

Hi, my name is Ryan. I am new to the website and to support forums. I would like to meet people with similiar conditions as myself to learn and share.


Do you hear voices are they lifelike and intelligent?

Welcome what’s your diagnosis??? A lot of us are schizophrenic but some of us including myself are schizoaffective or some other psychotic disorder. Welcome :slight_smile:

Hey welcome to the forum:)

Hello, and welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum @rdecker93 :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks everyone! My diagnoses vary from generalized-psychotic disorder, to schizo-affective and bi-polar. I do hear voices that are somewhat lifelike and intelligent. Sometimes it is obvious to me that they are not real beings and sometimes it is the opposite.


I am interested he hear from other schizophrenics on what medications, therapies, etc. are helpful to them. I have been living with the disease for about 6 years and have not found the right medication yet. I do therapy bi-weekly which is helpful. I am thinking of trying mobile therapy but I think this is a great place to start!

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Welcome to the forum.

Welcome in. 151515


I am on abilify. Have you tried that one?

Oh cool your diagnosis was recent! Mine was 5 years ago (that’s when the voices started). I was so happy when I recovered from delusions between the third and fourth year, I wanted to spread that good news that it was possible.

I really do think the first 5-10 years is an optimal window for recovery. The fact that you haven’t had it long is a very good thing and should keep you hopeful for the next several years! And even if things are still rough then, new medicine is a possibility.

I still hear voices but they don’t have much power over me, since I have insight. I love to chat with people on the forum here. Some people say they have had their voices disappear, I would love that but am not sure it’s possible for me. The disorder is different for everybody.

It took me a couple years to land on Zyprexa, which is the only antipsychotic that I can really tolerate. It’s been very helpful in keeping me grounded. Hopefully you find the right med for you soon! It’s hard to find because every med can affect people differently, but finding the right one is awesome. Welcome to the forums!

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Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried both of those medications and am now taking Vreylar. This is a new medicine so if it is helpful I will be sure to relay that to anyone I can. I may have bi-polar as well so it is the right medicine in theory. Agent I can really relate to what you are saying but find it a little disheartening. I can’t imagine living like this forever. The hardest part is that I am suffering and no one around me seems to realize or understand that. I think that having this connection and using this forum will be very helpful.

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I am planning to attend a schizophrenia support group soon. I am excited and hopeful to talk with others who have this diagnoses. I am applying for disability because I also have a back issue so I really can’t work with my hands or with my brain effectively enough to support myself. I am interested in trying mobile therapy on my phone or computer soon. Has anyone here tried that?

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Hey there. Welcome :smiley:

Hi Cici, thanks! Everyone here is so nice. All of the feedback really means a lot to me!

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Hello and welcome! It took me several years to find the right medication for me.

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Welcome! How is recovery going? I’m diagnosed with Schizoaffective bipolar type, OCD, and PTSD.

Hi and welcome. This is a good place.

Today is difficult. One thing I want to address that I feel like others could sympathize with is the feeling like you have to be responsible for what the voices say in some capacity. I assume the content of what I am hearing are all related to things I have experienced and intentionally observed. This stuff is all being recycled back into my head in a way. How do you guys feel about this?

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