I'm not afraid to die

My thought the other day: I’m not afraid to die (or at least I’m not aware of how horrid that is) … … what I’m really afraid of is to be more miserable than I’m now (e.g. without internet access etc.) and unable to die (?)

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I was afraid to die today cause i came to a conclusion that my mom is subconciously trying and wanting to kill me. It was horrible.

Death itself doesn’t scare me but holy cow the suffering beforehand certainty does.


I not afraid of neither death nor suffering.
I hope to live forever and be as healthy as possible.


Yes the suffering before death really scares me also. I’ve seen people suffer before they die and that scares me. I think about it alot.

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Death does not scare me, It will be a well deserved rest

Add me to this list. I hope death is sudden.

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My sentiments exactly. There are easy ways to go and there are hard ways. The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike.


I pray that I die in my sleep. of old age. I don’t want to die of cancer !!


I’m not afraid to die either. I might even be actually looking forward to the comfort care that hospice brings. Also looking forward to being with my son again. But, I’m for sure not going to do anything myself to hasten the process.


I’m enlightened, I fear nothing.


Now seriously i’m afraid to die

I’m not afraid to die, I’m afraid of going to hell.

That’s good @zeno !
Courage and valor!
That’s my boy!

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We will live forever. :slight_smile:

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I’m afraid of dying, being tortured, and going to hell. I’m tired of dying.

The seed says “true believers never die.” I’m not entirely sure what that means but it makes me feel better sometimes.

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I’m not afraid to die, but I’m not in any rush to go either.

I’m like 70% recovered thanks to Niacin therapy and ionized water, so there is such a big light at the end of the tunnel. The ionized water cured my 8/10 chronic headache, and Niacin megadoses took care of my breakthrough positive symptoms, where even a max dose of Paliperidone wasn’t doing much, since I was steadily increasing the dose with my pdoc’s approval and it wasn’t stopping the voices, merely making them a little quieter.

I wish no one has to suffer or feel pain, been abused by a bunch of people who don’t know who I am and laughed at I pray no one will get hurt. love you.


I love you very much @see121 you are a dear friend of mine!
I am sorry you have been abused, I wish you all the best!