When I am doing well I take care of myself and are afraid to die,when everything is bad and I feel depress I am not suicidal but am not afraid of dying
I’ve been afraid of dying since I was 16.
I think most people are afraid of dying.
As long as I am old anyways when it happens and it is not painless then I would not be afraid to die.
When I’m doing okay I dont want to die, kinda fear it. But when I’m not doing okay. I think peacefully dying is better than struggling with so much. But that’s only when I’m quite quite depressed.
Scared to die? No. I find this form limiting anyway.
I’m scared of where I might go. But my delusions and voices tell me other things.
I just want some peace
There’s no point in being afraid of dying. It’s good that you don’t feel afraid of dying when things are bad. Try not to feel afraid of dying when you’re feeling good too. The knowledge of death can make life more meaningful. Don’t let your fear of it do the opposite.
Not really afraid, but I’m not in any rush to die.
My doctor want me to stop vaping ,he wants me to try patch should I listen to him?If I listen to him will I die later because if I didn’t I will pay the karma
All my life! I’m TERRIFIED of dying! These demons I see in my head makes me want to live as long as I can - Im scared of going to hell!
I’m not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of getting stuck in an elevator with Kenny G playing on a loop.
I’m afraid of seeing the sunrise after having stayed up all night.
I’m afraid that I will live to long more than the fact of dying.
Of course not.
I say as I hurtle down a busy interstate at 70+ miles per hour with two full cans of gasoline in the back
I’m more afraid of not doing what I wish I had while I’m still alive, like not ever achieving what I want, but kinda yeah I am
Well there are beautiful things and a few beautiful people in my life. Regardless of whether I have consciousness, I won’t be able to do those things or conmunicate with those people. Maybe I won’t know the difference, but I understand the kind of loss I would have now.
To be honest I never really thought I would even get this far, I figured I’d be dead by the time I was 18. Death has never scared me.
there’s no point in being afraid of it.
Before my son died, nine years ago, I was frightened out of my wits of death. I was afraid of leaving my son all alone in the world without care. I felt that way even after he was grown up, due to him being stricken with paranoid sz. After he died, I no longer was afraid of death in the least. I am being worked up for cancer as I text, and I am not in the least bit afraid of dying. I’m too close to God for that.
You know what’s messed up? Theres a tiny part of me that is scared to be happy, because if I was happy I might be afraid to die. Right now it doesnt bother me. I dont want to die, but I’m not afraid to die.
I’m more worried about my loved ones dying before me. I don’t want to be alone.