No, I’m not scared of death.
I think everyone is a little scared of death when it’s right around the corner. Nothing can change that. But right now I’m not at all scared of death or of illness.
I also think it’s psychologically beneficial to contemplate death regularly, as long as you don’t ruminate.
I don’t know if it will ever be a fear of mine. Becuz I’ve done shrooms… Well I don’t think that’s the reason. But rather, I used to wanna die so much. I thought about it a lot. I don’t think I fear death so much now.
Gonna go against a general wisdom of psychology, and tell you that the life is actually an inescapable tragedy. And those who delude themselves enough that it isn’t, probably can live "happily after"
I fear death. I’m not done with this life, and although I believe in reincarnation, I’m not ready to say goodbye to this life. I feel I have so much left to learn and experience.
I also fear death in the sense that I know my parents, grandparents and best friend will all die before me, and I don’t want a life without any of them.
I would say it is quite healthy to be scared of death. I mean we are all going to die one day and I suppose I am ok with that, but if someone said, if I died tomorrow I would not care, I would probably think something is quite wrong with them to think like that.
sometimes I wonder if death is real. since all I know is life. I have beliefs about what will happen to me once I die. like wake up from a weird dream and be a year older. I do fear death though, nothing depresses me more than the thought I will end up in a deep nothing. ceasing to exist.
if I am reborn or transition to the next world, I hope it is with memory intact.
I am somewhat afraid of death, but, not bad. I’m kind of looking forward to being with my son, my mother, and my grandparents again to be honest. And, my Maker.
Just a few weeks ago I was thinking it would be so anticlimactic if I died right now, but a little later I was thinking it would be a relief to not exist. I couldn’t hate death because I would have no consciousness. I don’t know if that’s what happens when you die.
I’m 60 years old and am ready to die. There is nothing left that I want to do someday. Also I have arthritis and hurt a lot. The future is going from bad to worse. I had a conversation with my sister today where I said I have no purpose in life now that Mother is dead. When she was alive my purpose was caring for her. My sister said you have to have something you look forward to doing each day. I don’t have that, and I can’t really think of anything to look forward to. So I guess I’m just a lost soul.