I'm going to change

Into a b–ch. I’m way too nice. I’m a bleeding heart. And boy people know how to use me. So eff them. There are way better people out there.

No. Don’t do that. Just surround yourself with better people. :beetle::beetle::beetle:


I think there’s a middle ground where you’re not taken advantage of but you don’t have to go too far in the other direction. The world needs kind, giving people. Just be careful about it.


You aren’t mean. Don’t be something you’re not. You’re sensitive, compassionate, and generous. Those are great qualities. I’m sorry you got burned. I’m sorry you were taken advantage of. The world still needs you in all your beauty. When you realize someone is misusing your help, or mentally or emotionally abusing you, speak to them confidently and point out their wrong-doing. Give them an opportunity to change. They may not realize they’re hurting you. If they don’t change, stop helping.

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I think it’s best to be gentle and kind, but also wise. Don’t let mean people take your natural kind self away from you. Just don’t let them harm you either.

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I don’t really have it in me to be nasty. I sure do need a bit of confidence to be able to stand up for myself. Thank you all for your kind words.

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