And if I can’t blame people for things I will blame myself. It’s a real problem.
I’m kind of the same way. I hate it.
I’ve been feeling like that so I did some retail therapy and bought myself a new pair of jeans and some new PJs. It works every time, I feel like a new man.
What ever works, as long as you can afford it.
I have to learn to accept that most times no one including myself is to blame. But I have to blame and I don’t know how to stop it.
I feel like crap too today. We are all still sick and I’ve had about 2 hours sleep last night.
I’ve called my CMHT to see if I can take extra medication tonight.
Do you know when you will get therapy?
Sleep issues don’t help. I’m sorry @Qwerty I hope you are able to get the meds soon
I am assuming it’s years before I get seen for dbt.
Just tried to get through to the on call cmht nurse. But they are busy on another call. Hopefully I get a call back.
Sorry your feeling crap too @anon25873142 hoepfully the day improves for you.
Hopefully they call you ahead of the weekend. Feel better soon @Qwerty <3
They just called but she had to run it by the psychiatrist. Which means she will probably call me. I was hoping to avoid that.
I go through the same stuff… Its Soo bad I sit at the window and talk to the cars passing about how society is hurting me … idk what your situation is but there are moments when it’s not Soo bad… at least that’s my experience.
Psychiatrist called. She said tonight is fine to take a bit of extra wuetiapine.
But she doesn’t want me to keep doing this so she is going to give me another call next week to discuss going on melatonin. Here in the UK she said it has to be prescribed.
Sorry i felt like i went too hard with that comment haha. Tried to delete it but not sure how.
I feel terrible at the moment too. I dropped out of the course i was doing because i knew the next level would be too difficult for me to handle so I just gave up.
I feel sad that I’m no longer the person I once was. I just cannot remember stuff the way I used to be able to. I wanted to start an AAT course (accounting/bookkeeping) but I’m not sure if it’s even worth doing because idk if i can hold down a job - the reason for doing it.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Maybe you feel bad now but who knows, it could be a minor setback. Perhaps you’ll get back the energy you need when you get some rest.
You could be overworked?
It could be, but it bothers me bc I feel meaningless without studies or work. for the last two years - it has been this way
Yeah, I get you. I’ve been basically doing nothing for 11 years now. Everyone assumes the worst. Even my sister is starting to wonder what’s wrong with me. I haven’t told her about my sz. I guess I’ll have to be honest with her.
Can’t you take a break temporarily from your studies and continue later when you feel better?
As humans we identify with our studies and work. You not being able to study for the moment doesn’t define who you are.
You are a smart guy! You’ll get back on the horse even though you have a setback for the moment.
It’s my memory, it doens’t remember the info like the processes - continuing isn’t an option