I Feel bad

Having a bad time just now just trying to get home


I hope you come home safely. Good luck.


Thanks, home now, i broke down today a couple of times, had to phone my cmht and now i have to see them tomorrow :frowning: just hoping tonight wont be too bad but if it is i’ll just have to phone the crisis team or out of hours team :frowning:


Hope you feel better, daydreamer! Sorry you are having such a rough time. At least there’s a mental health team to help!


Hang in there buddy! :slight_smile:


still got to make dinner :confused:

listening to Bob Dylan just now


I hope you get through it alright.


Sorry you broke down, I did the same last night, couldn’t go to sleep peacefully.

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The last week or so has been getting increasingly difficult, i decided not to drive this morning it was that bad, i am glad i went in though bc the support was invaluable,

They helped me, convinced me i needed to phone my cmht, if i didn’t go in idk what would have happened, it would have been ten times worse

I was shaking and tearful, dizzy, faint, light headed, they said it was anxiety but i have never had it like that before

i have been trying everything to shake this off, i even went for a walk bc i knew it was getting bad and that did help but when i came back i helped out a bit then i had a game of chess and then just broke down after :frowning:

my support worker said i was an incredibly strong willed person, its nice that she said that but it doesn’t really help, i am glad she said it though but makes me feel like i failed again i think, it doesn’t make sense idk, its stuck in my head a bit i guess :confused:

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Maybe night dreaming has started, what did you feel when you broke?

Glad you were able to get help when you needed it. Hope you feel better @daydreamer

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