I’m doing a lot better now. My thoughts are more oraganised and I haven’t heard voices in two days. I still have paranoia but it’s not nearly as often or bad as it was. I’m talking more and sleeping a little more. Not much more but a little bit. I’ve only been only this medicine for about two weeks though so I don’t think it’s fully working yet.
what’s the medicine called?
Invega. Why do you ask?
I don’t take meds… but would be good to get one that actually works
Yeah I was happy when it started working because I’ve been on five or six different medicines and I’ve only had one other one that worked.
So the million dollar question what now for you? Is awesome news though. Kudos!
What do you mean? And thanks
What are you going to do now you are stable? What are your plans?
I don’t really have any other than keep going to therapy and keep taking my medicine.
Yeah that’s still good as you’re still working hard. Double kudos points.
That’s really great. How long have you been hearing voices before they stopped?
About three weeks. ive been hearing them for about three years but I was on medicine before I started hearing them again.
I’m on invega too and I really like it. Recently though, my psychiatrist gave me seroquel to take as needed because I’ve been getting “breakthrough symptoms”
I just laugh and say “the force is strong in this one.”
I’m glad you’re feeling better. Invega took about six to nine months to take full effect on me so things should only improve for you from here!
Happy to hear this redanne
Seroquel was the second antipsychotic i ever tried. I don’t know if it wouldn’t worked. I had to stop it really quickly because it made me pass out. I don’t mean fall asleep I mean faint.
Oh wow! That’s terrible. I’m glad your psychiatrist took you off it really quickly.