I’ve recently been in contact with people who have tested positive, including a close relative. They are all fine, cosily nursing their little colds. I won’t be able to leave my room for a few days. High time to continue my research into the nature of evil. I’m enjoying the idea of my lungs gradually rotting away until I die -if such a thing is even possible. No one gets to experience what being a corpse is like, but a lively process of decomposition comes close enough.
Your a happy soul arnt you? lol. Most people recover actually - it usually complicates pre-existing physical conditions.
To be honest I’m feeling very guilty about my death wish, there are people who would actually feel devastated if I passed away.
I know mate. We all get funny thoughts like that. You didnt come across as too serious.
I venture to say that this is an underlying truth that the careless behaviour regarding the corona virus is a secret disdain for life–a desire to die. I think, you @NotSeksoEmpirico do not want to die but you recognize the feeling.
I’m scared of what you describe… As the West Wing actor Schiff said after getting through a serious case
“It’s scarier than you’ve read, and it’s scarier than you’ve heard. You try to get some air in, and the cough goes THERE next. It wants to stop you from breathing.”
Be careful and take it seriously, you probably are a smoker, yes? That’s not helpful here! I smoke a lot
I don’t smoke and my physical health good so there is really no reason for concern.
I don’t want you to die. But I wish I have died.
If you are feeling suicidal or having a mental health crisis, please tell someone — a friend or family member, a teacher, a doctor or therapist or call 911 (if you’re in the U.S.) or the Emergency Medical Services phone number in your country.
You can also call a crisis intervention hotline—these are available in the U.S. and in many other countries. You do not need to be actively suicidal to benefit from a crisis hotline.
International crisis hotlines:
Crisis hotlines in the U.S.:
More resources:
Well that’s good… nonetheless keep your guard up, false sense of security… is a real thing.
I like you and your posts, and don’t want to see you disappear… it’s a weird topic in the nature of this site, and the pandemic. For example where is @daydreamer, last I heard he was considering getting this thing on purpose.
Wouldn’t be me… but we all different.
Be warned that the effects of some illnesses can cause suicidal ideation as a side effect. It happened to me when I had MRSA, either because of the infection or because of the antibiotics used to treat it. I started saying I would rather not take my meds and just die. Luckily, I had people here to remind me I did not feel that way prior to getting ill. I was able to push through and the feeling eventually went away when I was healed. Taking a probiotic helped in my case, but that may have been just because of the antibiotics.
I appreciate it, but I don’t really feel suicidal. I have people who rely on my continued existence and I owe it to them to carry on as if there was hope for me.
Sometimes I wish I had covid and had died already.
I’m glad you are not dead.
You’re going to be alright. I have no doubt that with your talents you’ll eventually find your way.
I hope you’ll be ok
Thank you. I am devoloping symptoms but nothing too severe.
The main reason I’ve held on is I never could imagine a good way to die. And being isolated from my family dying on a ventilator is not on top of the list.
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