I'm a virgin

I want to share that I’m a virgin. I never had sex.


I didn’t get laid till I was like 30. I didn’t get diagnosed and put on meds till I was 29.

I think there is a casual link to that whole scenario.

It’s not a big deal. If you need help and your on meds then some therapy may help you.


Well, to make you a little bit happier,

No one is really a virgin,

Because life fcks us over in the end.



How old are you?

Not to worry. There are a group of islands and an airline named after your predicament. But thank you for sharing. Your comments have been noted in my log.


That’s not really the most appropriate thing to ask someone who just said they’re a virgin.

Sex is overrated


Same here and I am 31.

Not only is it overrated but society is extremely oversexualized to the point that it causes problems everywhere but people still go after it like it’s a hard drug. It’s terrible.


I used to worry there was something wrong with me. But you know what just becatse me and my partner don’t have sex as much as society expect us to doesn’t mean we don’t have a healthy relationship. Not everyone is into sex or thinking sex all the time


I got laid at 27.To me it’s still a big deal

Whatever! 4678909

I’m a 43 year old virgin anyway.

That’s too bad

Physical intimacy makes life worthwhile

It’s been so long I don’t think I would remember what to do. Lucky I’m a champion masturbator


What we supposed to do that we suffer from bad negative symptoms that makes really hard to find a partner also decreased libido and sometimes ED stops us from even start looking


Hear me joking on that post.

Well they have Viagra
But it’s expensive

I was with one guy Doctor Love
I won’t go into detail ha.

Viagra is not a magical pill. It only helps with the blood flow. Anyone that has smoking caused ED or narrowing of blood vessels due to age helps them. I’ve tried few viagras and they only makes me feel anxious and does nothing to erections.

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I too am a virgin and I am 45 male from india.

very eager to get laid with a pretty girl.

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