How many of you are older virgins?

Im wondering if that is tje path i should go down lol

Its been so long since I’ve had sex that I think my virginity is growing back.


I haven’t gotten lucky since Mr. Clean had hair.


I kind of wish that I have been an old Virgin, my love life is pretty sad.


I was the complete opposite of virgin.

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At birth? Sounds sacrilegious

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virginity is a good thing regardless of what the world tells you. Be proud if you are.


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What has led to your virginity? Do you think it’s by choice?

I feel the same…

I would remain a virgin until you find a man you believe loves you. Anything else you might regret.


ive said this too haha…since all the cells regenerate after like 7 years


Im like @77nick77 my virginity has come back :crazy_face:


I mean I was hypersexual and promiscuous lol

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Was that symptom of something, bipolar? @Aziz

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I thought so but my pdoc said no. APs and time helped with it now I don’t have those anymore. Though sometimes I get instrusive thoughts about harming others, maybe thats OCD.

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I just get intrusive thoughts about harming myself

Im glad you dont harm others

Its all part of sz intrusive thoughts

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Yes, the weird part is that they recently came back and I didn’t have them for months. I didn’t even change my meds.

All I had was couch dances at a couple strip clubs

I am in my early 50’s and my Libido has not declined

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I had a couple one night stands back in the day. That was 16 years ago and I didn’t get to gain any real experience. So I’m basically a virgin.