many of people i know say i don’t need anything but yet again they them selfs are on some type of med. which leads me to think. just what is the happest stuff out there. anyway happyness isnt a bottle or a pill or a med its a dopemean buster . to ballance the brain, what make us laugh is adrenaline busters. etc.
It’s messed up the drugs we have to take, but they seem to work.
Strangely, I am on the right meds, but I am not that happy
Some sort of serious life change is in order, as I can’t continue to have to drag my ass out of bed each day and be in such a bad way
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Antipsychotic doesn’t work,it’s a good drug unlike weed/nicotine or some illegal drug.Too much of a good thing turns harmful,and it is just a fact that we have to take antipsychotic everyday
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