If you have psychotic symptoms but TOTALLY don't care about them, are you still schizophrenic?

Something has changed in my mind drastically. I don’t know what that exactly is but it feels kind of good.
I’m supposed to have simple schizophrenia or maybe rather severe schizotypal personality disorder (docs say those) and my symptoms used to upset me a lot. Like thinking illogical stuff (and reacting accordingly) and having intrusive thoughts and minor alternation in the reality and derealization and stuff like that.
like 2 weeks ago, I suddenly stopped caring about these. I mean, I exactly have the same old symptoms, but I totally don’t care about them anymore and do my things and go on with daily life and all that. Like ignoring them when they happen. Or not reacting to crappy impulses that don’t make sense and are paranoid or stupid and shoving them aside and go on doing my own thing.
So the question has arised in my head: If theoretically someone with schizophrenia successfully ignores his symptoms and go on with life, is he still schizophrenic?

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I think it doesn’t change that you’re still sz but it sounds like a positive step. Don’t give it more of your time than it deserves.

I had a period like that where I just one day began to ignore it all and for a period of 6 months I felt really great despite having constant symptoms. But the last 2 months it’s been coming back and the last 2 weeks it’s been accelerating now it’s hard to ignore it since they’ve gotten stronger.

Yes because the symptoms are still there. I have recently felt this same change. Almost like some sort of “miracle”. But symptoms are still there. I was at a restaurant earlier and began to feel overwhelmed from all of the noise and different energies in the air.

But I stared at my skillet for about 2 minutes (AFTER I ate, of course lol) and did a meditation excersize. I was able to pull through it.

Still schizophrenic, but just better off because I didn’t give in to the pressure of my mind.

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If these symptoms are causing distress you are still sz.

Personality disorders are different from mental illness in that they don’t always bother the person affected. For example people with narcissistic personality disorder are not suffering. If anything the people who have to interact with them are suffering :joy: So if you don’t experience significant distress from your symptoms there’s a good chance it’s a personality disorder rather than a mental illness.

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Isn’t being distressed by the pd required for its diagnosis? :thinking:

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Technically? However again not all the personality disorders may be distressing. Antisocial personality disorder is another example, sociopaths rarely feel they are suffering from their disorder. In this case perhaps the significant distress and issues are experienced by loved ones.

Then again a disorder like borderline personality disorder would be characterized by emotions that were extremely distressing to the individual. So I think it depends :confused: Mainly personality disorders are marked differences in personality from the norm that badly impact social relationships in some way is the gist I got from it. They tend to get skimmed over in psych class lol.

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This is exactly what I mean. I mean, we can’t look inside the non schizophrenics people’s minds. Maybe some (or maybe most) have this kind of symptoms but they are junst not distressed by them and don’t elaborate on them or go to doctors.
What I have found out recently is really groundbreaking for me : most people are not as normal as you would expect. If you know them really well, most of them are kind of crazy in one way or anotger, The stereotype of a perfectly mentally healthy person simply doesn’t exist. They are just either slightly more functional or slightly more sane than us. In the best case, both.

I have psychotic symptoms and I totally don’t care about them at present. That’s because they are adequately controlled with meds. That doesn’t mean my diagnosis changes because without meds, my underlying illness remains the same: sza.


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