Keep going back to ER and ask them to consult GI and ask for EGD. Keep going to ER until they comply. You need emergency treatment if you get dehydrated. Though won’t necessarily consider it emergency unless you lose a ton of weight at once. Just going on my experiences.
I thought you said you have an ulcer. They should be giving you meds for that.
Just keep going back to ER. Tell them your nausea meds aren’t working. They can give you a different kind. Just try to find an anti nausea med that will keep you from throwing up. Some like phenergan come as suppositories. That ensures you won’t throw it up.
Seeing GI in June is a normal course. Under three months for specialists is normal unfortunately. Get on their cancellation list.
Just make sure you don’t get dehydrated. That’s your biggest concern.
TBH, they might not take too well that you use marijuana. GI might give you a hard time about it. You need an EGD, if you haven’t had one already. Omeprazole should help, too. Hopefully they are giving that to you for your ulcer.
Two options as I see it, keep trying the ER until they take you seriously, which can get expensive fast.
Or, try to self soothe until a GI can see you.
Trick on that, if you’re able to swing the spontaneity, ask to be put on the cancellation list. They’ll call last minute and you’ll need to go that day, or the next. But sometimes it can save a person weeks, while holding an appointment.
I’m sorry @Charles_Foster
Yeah I’ve been feeling nauseous myself for a few weeks now, but it’s getting worse.
In my case it could be my new diabetes drug that’s causing it.
Nausea is a primary side effect.
I would go back to the ER and demand to see a GI doctor.
Ask your clinic what you’re supposed to do. I wrote just yesterday about a situation which was a tiny bit like yours. I couldn’t get my blood pressure medication because I couldn’t get in to see a doctor until May and he wouldn’t refill my prescription. I was going to have to call and drive all over but the nurses at my mental health agency helped me. If you don’t know what to do then find someone who will help you like a free clinic or your mental health agency. IDK if a psychiatrist could call anyone for you. He’s a medical doctor though, right?
Call your local hospital or clinic and tell them your situation and ask them if they could use all their resources to help you and hook you up with a doctor. It would suck to go into debt over this but your health comes first. Do you have Medicare or Medicaid? They might be able to hook you up with a doctor.