I’m having difficulty swallowing; swallowing solids is downright painful. Hell, swallowing fluids is quite unpleasant. Eating dinner last night was rough, delicious but painful. Maybe it’s just swollen tonsils, idk. I guess I’ll find out.
I guess it’s good to get it checked out before anything swells more. I don’t want breathing to become difficult.
I’m wondering if there’s relation to the terrible pain I’ve had in my neck, upper back and shoulders the past couple days.
Anyone want to keep me company? There’s a bit of a wait. There’s a few people ahead of me, and only one doctor here today.
Where I live you can get prorated at the major health systems here based your income if you dont have insurance. That would include going to their urgent care. Dont know if something like that is offered where you live but I would look into it.
Table manners anxiety is enough to cause me tension, difficulty swallowing, the tendency to choke and pain. Some well meaning teachers are actually menacing.