If you could change one thing about yourself

What would have been, when would you have done it and how do you think it would’ve changed things for your life?


I’d like to be able to talk more so I could get the best job possible.


I think those who talk the most have the least to say

But I understand the need to be able to communicate well with others

That would be a good thing


Never go on second generation antipsychotics. Six years ago I went on abilify, and one to two years after that, I gained 200 pounds. I was 135 (anorexic) and then went to 335 or more in two years. Luckily, I lost 100 pounds, but still, it did a number on my self confidence that I haven’t recovered from.


Love life. It’s just in a joke form, but sometimes it feels like I am cursed. :joy::joy::sweat:
Honestly. It’s terrible
I don’t remember any male which respected, loved or cared about me unconditionally.

Overall… People rarely care about me or take me seriously. I have friends, had long lasting relationships… But it reeeeally rarely was successful


I hope you can recover your self confidence

Weight can really get you down but it’s great that you have fought back


id be more social and amicable


Get rid of my empathy

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It sounds like they were the wrong people for you

Perhaps things will change? I have noticed as people get older they lose some of their rough edges

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I wish I was more able to concentrate…I hate my brain because I can’t read books anymore but I have audiobooks to get me through now…thank goodness.

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Not thinking this girl liked me and letting it interfere with my studies.

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I would make myself more accepting. Back when I was about 13. I think it could have prevented the sz or at least effected the severity. That or I would make myself more cautious at the same age, hopefully preventing drug use.

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Audio books sounds like a good idea

I have not read a book cover to cover in over 10 years now

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It’s so easy to get sidetracked with that sort of thing

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Caution to the wind as someone once said

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Same here. And I only read the two or so books I read because I was living in a homeless shelter and couldn’t have my phone for some reason.

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It’s not great as I think reading does more for the imagination

Films and series do that in some way but not the same

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Reading is a very thinking intensive activity. Sometimes a complex paragraph completely stumps me.

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I wish I had been more brave. Because of being anxious and fearful, I always took the safest route in life choices. I often wonder how my life would have been different had I been brave enough to take more risks and been more open to change and opportunity.


I wish I wasn’t so fearful of everything