You can change one thing about your past

I should have tried to get help sooner


Learn from the past and accept.


That I wasn’t born. Then all the bad things I did that hurt others wouldnt happen.

Except then I guess my kids wouldn’t be born and they are truly awesome.

I guess then I would wish I wouldn’t have left my marriage

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I cannot change anything , because it made me into me.


I think I would change buying that darned house we lost. If we’d bought a more affordable townhouse, it would have saved us so much trouble and heartache.

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I’d have chosen a better mother.


I would have stayed with ariel, a girlfriend I had my first year in college. would have married her and finished college…ditch all my high school buddies in the process.


Wished my parents would have asked themself what’s wrong with them instead what’s wrong with me I in my early years.

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I would have to change too many things to make a difference. Can I change that I have something wrong with my mind? Would all the bad things have happened anyway?
Too much to think about.


I would of never swallowed that damn drug during that Frat party.
It changed everything.


I wish I never megadosed Piracetam, since that caused me to develop schizophrenia.

I should have taken the minimum therapeutic dose if anything.

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Should have never tried marijuana in college back in 2010. Really messed my game up and my life. Made academics harder with cognitive decline and memory loss. It was the start of a downhill trajectory that made me crazy in 2011.

If I could alter my reality, I would have gone to a different school or not made friends. You know, Peer pressure and stuff.


I wouldn’t have abused drugs growing up, I would have never started cigarettes and I would started programming a lot sooner. I also would have stuck with one of my former girlfriends for longer than I did


Next time we do better…

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If I’d known that life was such a circus I would have learned to juggle!

Or…staying in treatment all those years ago when I left pills behind for pot!


I would have accepted myself much sooner. I was always so worried about what people thought of me.

Oh and I never would have befriended the jerk ass neighbor who abused the ■■■■ out of me.

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I’d have left and never come back.


I’m still alive so if I went back and changed something I might not be. Butterfly effect and all.

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What drug did u take @Wave

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I wish I could go back to the day my mom died and leave class early so I could save her