I wish I could have identified my passion earlier in life. Now I have a million interests that are quite overwhelming on some days.
I wish i wasnt so destructive. Im not anymore but I certainly was.
Would try to be happy with who I am
Maybe be the body size I was about a year ago (size 12 instead of size 16)
I might even be size 18 now.
I put on over twenty kg in one year and now it won’t go away .
Also not ever feel awful like pain , anxiety, spasm like tensions in body unbearable, fear or any unpleasant feelings ever .
I suffer too much and always have and I shouldn’t .
I would have focused more on girls and be less picky when choosing one. I hit puberty at 16 which was when I first started getting sick so I can’t be to hard on myself. But I had opportunities with women that I didn’t take. I was starting to skitz out anyways and didn’t really feel comfortable with much. I was skating too so I spent most my time doing that.
More positive talk inside voice
When I was younger I was very serious. I wanted to be the best in the world at things competitively. Mostly racing things. Bicycles or motorcycles or remote control cars. And then I got a drum set and wanted to be one of the best drummers in the world.If I wasn’t the best in the world at something I felt like a failure. To this day it really affects me and how I wanted to be the best in the world at something. I didn’t enjoy socializing back then. I think I should’ve just enjoyed socializing more back in those times when I was in my teens. Now I enjoy socializing more and sharing with others. I don’t think I would’ve went through so much depression that I went through if I had a different outlook on what a successful life is. I wouldn’t have the shame I have now if I would’ve had a different outlook on my ambitions in life.
I need to be more self loving.
A very important one. It is a lifelong journey. But it’s worth it.
Very much so!!!
I would change the fact that I let the bullies bully me and never stuck up for myself. I regret that to this day. I feel its the reason that I got psychosis.
Hugs to you. @anon25873142
Bullies most of the times are people who are feeling unimportant, not unique by themselves. In some cases they’re even driven by jealousy, self related issues and unexplained anger.
No one is worth bullying.
I reached out to the main bully, and it seemed she changed, but it never changes the fact that it was that behaviour that caused me many mental health issues. Few months ago, I searched her name and I found she’s not alive anymore.
Oh… Woah. Honestly life can be unpredictable.
I started fighting back in the end with these people
The bullying was pretty bad at school
Was so glad when they kicked me out so I never had to see these people again
I wish I could get angry as fu-ck when people mess with me. But I just revert into myself and become passive. It’s really weird because nobody in my family is like this.
I’d get rid of my schizoaffective disorder. If I could have prevented that, my whole life would have turned out very different. I wouldn’t have been slow. My husband would have loved me. Our son would probably not have developed sz. I would have got that job as a hairdresser. I wouldn’t have had to go to nursing school or join the military. I’d be retiring about now. My son would be turning 44 next month instead of gone.
Bigger d*ck,for practical reasons and peace of mind.
I’m average.
Be careful of what you wish for. Too big of a dick can be a bad thing too, you know.
No,it’s just handeling thing,few cm more