If you could change one thing about yourself

If you could change one thing about yourself besides not having sz what would it be. Id fix my left eye. Some dummy kid threw a lacrosse ball at it and now it looks kind of offset.

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I’d be more creative cuz that’d all I need.

e(Y)e Wouldn’t Change Anything About Myself … ,

so to Put it Short ,

Your Flaws Help Create Who You Are …


I wont change myself (my inner core which is nothingness should remain that)

I would like to walk around with a wallet full of twenties.


I’d give myself the ability to feel empathy’


I would change the masochsim and guilt and replace it with not hating myself and not feeling like a failure of a warrior. I fell ill with a serious medical condition but I feel guilt because it was insanity.

I might be well and functioning highly but I have issues. I really do hate myself. I would change being an addict. I’m easily addicted to anything that changes the way I think and feel. These days it’s the nicotine patch and exercise. Morning coffee is normal that doesn’t count.

I mean I have problems like this- I got a sinus infection last week. I had to not workout and take antibiotics and DayQuil and NyQuil. Then I started craving NyQuil and took two doses of it because I wanted and felt like I needed it to sleep. I used to drink a fifth or more of fireball a day. I used to take overdoses of preworkout powders. I used to smoke over a pack a day.

If I could just be normal in regards to drugs I would be happier.

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If I can change one thing about myself I hope I have not divorced. I wish I still have a spouse and we can have a loving relationship.

i would like to change my facial look.i want 2 look more cuter then eva…piss…

WIZ-dom FRUM sleepoptomistic

(not mocking you I just thought i’d bite your typing style for once :blush)

Just one? :unamused:
Um…breasts, then. Larger breasts.

Or I could choose to stop being so dependent, weak, and helpless.


funny @Sarad ur jus funny…
best answer in this section…ha ha…lol…

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Creativity is something anyone can change you just need to open ur eyes to any possibility and no idea is stupid when it comes to art especially

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Yeah i think sleepoptimistics post in this thread embodied it best

“Our flaws create who we are”

I think it’s especially true in creativity


I noticed that you mentioned some things you used to do. I think you must be extremely disciplined! Many people have genetic predispositions, etc., and fall under them, but you have an awareness and a strength that many don’t have. You should be proud of yourself.

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I would change my dependence on food. I have an addictive personality, and I’m glad that my paranoia kees me away from drugs and alcohol, but food is ghe replacement. I have been thin and fit, but right now I’m fat and out of shape, and I wish I could just be thin and have that never be an issue.

Be skinnier/better skin x I know it’s vain but I just think it would help

I would make my body more symmetrical and less skinny. I have body issues.

A couple inches shorter, smaller frame, friendlier face.

Cool username. Minniphrenia I like it. Everyone should personalize their illnesses.