What would it make a difference to your present life?
No, it would not.
The problem is nobody could ever convince me that there is or there isn’t an afterlife. Also the afterlife if one existed could be worse! Who knows?! I don’t know if one exists or not or how good or bad it would be if it did.
But I live like there isn’t one.
Moved to Unusual Beliefs as religion can be a triggering topic for those with religious delusions.
(Wearing moderator hat)
It would improve my cognition and undo a lot of uncertainties. It’d be reassuring. I think I have exclusive evidence that I am not going to die, but continue living on consciously - although maybe not physically.
I’d just do what I’m doing now, though. Nothing would genuinely change in my routine. I’d just continue relaxing & learning & practicing sound habits.
Just live this life. You’ll find out sooner or later.
this is one if my most enduring questions as i had a visit or what i deemed to be a visit from my grandfather six years after he died. it was a very moving experience for me and it has stayed with me from the age of 13 or 14 to the present day.
at the time it was just a visit but now i see it as maybe a warning that i am trying to figure out. i know that it has to do with a car but that;s all i know for sure and that its either this year (my 41st) or the postcode 41 which is not far from me…right now i am hyper vigilant and will be till i turn at least 43, if i get that far…
.which is a turn of events that has definitely played on my mind over the last year and a bit but i digress…the point is, because of that experience, i know there is an afterlife…it gives me great comfort to know that the dead have me in their thoughts with everything this life so far has thrown at me…
.i really believe that if there is a god then he must really have it in for me and mine…i’m hoping that if we don’t get justice in this life that there will be justice in the afterlife…that these people are winked out of existence once and for all. that would be justice for me…either that or they have to endure every atrocitie they meated out to me and my family…i’m hopeful that there are laws in the afterlife and that there is punishment for criminal acts in this life…personally i don’t believe that is the case but it would be nice
Well the multiverse is a belief that has strong support in the physics community. I have real memories of past lives that support the view of parallel universes ( although I admit it is weird and unprovable). I rather it not be true. I don’t want to exist anymore. But it’s nice to think I won’t suffer always, that I’ll be successful in some. The More I think about the more I think karma exists. I am ■■■■■■■cursed. It’s not fair. I remember so much suffering in past lives and I suffer in this one. I admit karma sounds like ■■■■■■■■but maybe it’s the universe regulating itself. Some people deserve to be shat on, others don’t.
Me being schizophrenic seems to be a recurrent theme.
There is a very famous saying If you take care of the Present, the future would take care of itself.
What you have done in the past is Irreversible. It is done with. It is over. If it exists in your mind then you are the one in trouble. Not anyone else. So the first thing you need to do is that you need to clear up all your past.
But the past will strike someday, It has to. That is how Karma works. You don’t know when it will strike. That is the beauty of Karma. It strikes when you least expect it. But the more it strikes the better it is for you. So you will be safe for the future (in afterlife).
How do I get rid of bad thoughts so I have good karma?
The way Karma works is more like a Feedback loop.
You did something wrong…You get AWARE you have done wrong. So you don’t repeat it again. So lets say you made 1 Mistake , count = 1. You get aware of your mistake. You make sure you dont repeat it again. So that count remains 1, the consequences of that Karma is not large ---- Meaning it would be ineffective in the future.
But the problem is IF you are not aware, The count increases 1+1+1+1+1=====and then exponential = 10,000…then the consequences are HUGE. You do not realize it. But there has to be Payback. That is the rule. Noone can escape Karma/Payback. You payback AFTER your death.
Someone is rich and happy. He is driving in his car. All of a sudden for no fault of him someone knocks and he loses his eyes, Arms and legs for good and is disabled in his Youth (maybe 20s). WHAT IS THAT?. That cannot be RANDOM. That is Karma in Action .
The ONLY way to get rid of it is Meditation .
I thought so. I feel like caffeine makes it worse.
yes there is an afterlife…
but there is a time and place …for a person to go.
you have a beautiful heart goggles…
yes you are hurting…yes it feels like rubbish…but it does get better.
focus not on the big picture…the future…
but on the small things…birds nature
…the beautiful sun
you can get through this
take care
@goggles if you are feeling the need to talk to someone…crisis helplines are great and i have used them…and they have helped me
i hope tomorrow is a better day
take care