What is your income level ?
- Less then 15k
- 15k-30k without disability
- 15k-30k with disability
- 30-50k
- 50k+
0 voters
What is your income level ?
0 voters
I have minimal pay job.
And it is full time.
I know of ppl who make more than me on benefits lmao
I think…
What is a job that schizophrenics get into and make 6 fugures +? Im thinking online businesses like say Amazon for example. Also the internet says 50k is the median income of all Americans but i think its probably higher at this point what do you guys think ?
im getting poorer by the day idk
i’m just on that verge of the 15k
I think….mo money mo problems has some truth to it
I’d gratefully hand over some of my ssdi for a more needing individual
Having too much money but not enough to support your life sucks
I think this is a big issue for me. My parents can hold onto my credit card. I’ll ask for cash if I need it. Gotta cancel the card too because Venmo is attached to it and cashapp and Bitcoin. I really wanna do this actually now I think of it. I can’t be trusted with my finances.
In other words. I get 1500$ a month and I pay no rent or not much at all. But I end up spending it all on stupid things. Can you cancel a credit card and only give someone else access to your bank account. I don’t want any loopholes. And I trust my dad. I’ll bring it up later.
I voted for my husband’s job. I don’t make any money and am not on disability.
Mo money mo problems is definitely probably true. But having enough money to have a house and land and family is key to happiness. Id rather have 100k a year from business and investment then 30k or a million.
Yeah I saw that movie too lol
Happy it was called
If that’s where you got that idea from.
I made 4X the amount I get on disability while working.
But I spent alot and ate out a lot. Messed up alot which Costed alot.
I am managing better now on disability making a lot less and getting by.
I am able to manage my life better and experience less symptoms.
Work was just bad for me.
I make $24,018 with a disability. $2001.50 a month before taxes and health insurance.
I was ok with $1000 a month. My rent was $550, food can be pretty cheap if you don’t mind a basic and low variety diet. I lived for a few years on my own with that amount of money, but couldn’t save anything and never went into debt on my credit-card. It can be hard finding a place to live on that income though.
I know what you mean about finding a cheap place to live. I’m paying $575 a month now, but the landlord upped my rent to $600 June 1st. I’m on a month-to-month lease.
my old apartment i paid $600 which was half the rent initially but then by the time i moved out rent was $1500
my dad paid the other half
disability didnt increase enough for me to continue to pay half
constantly drove me to guilt, and i would run out of money too
and that was the cheap part of my county… i was on the block that was half nice, half hood
you go east its really urban project developments
but if you went west it was a gentrified little waterfront area
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but its just life
id rather live at home and pay no rent than live on my own and my dad paid 70% of the rent (its cheaper for both of us for me to live at home)
not to mention less headaches @Jonnybegood
Most people here are on a substantial amount of money. Count your blessings! Financially you are more than comfortable
I didn’t tick the box above, my income is under 6k a year, and I get by ok.
Im blessed in a lot of ways
but “mo money mo problems”
I cant tell you how many times i was treated differently for coming from a family of money. Or because my alternate personalities were mostly all from poverty.
Its gotten better, maybe it was just sensitivity. Because now if someone said something about me coming from a silver spoon or something, id probably laugh it off and we’d end up being cooler than even before. Just the way u carry urself sometimes.
Lets just say its a double edged sword. No one dies a virgin cuz life ■■■■■everybody. Money or not. Lets just say people will pick on you no matter what you are if they can. Lets just say that when i said to my mom “HOW WOULD I KNOW HOW TO CLEAN WHEN YOU NEVER TAUGHT ME HOW” she said “WELL SONNY I THOUGHT YOUD LEARN FROM LEADING BY EXAMPLE”
it doesnt work that way
my parents are great people, id rather we live on the fringe of things financially. But its too late now. If we lost everything we’d be very lost. You become reliant on financial adequacy if thats all youre used to. And to think my dad was middle class and my mom was lower class growing up. I’m upper middle class. Def. not upper class…but upper middle class definitely suffices.
We just gotta help each other out, figure out each others issues, work together IMO. Because financial segregation is the death of society. I dont blame poor people, i dont blame rich people. I dont blame middle class people. I dont blame anyone. I blame the fact the world sees differences not similarities. We dont try to help each other we reject and hurt each other. Well thats not me. Ive never rejected too many people consciously at least.
Im probably hypocritical. But money has made my life confusing. Especially since my alters were from poverty. But I was born with a silver spoon. Its hard to manage sometimes.
I know you understand @lovesong and i love you no matter how much ur income is ,and dont think money makes anyone better or worse, but we gotta help each other. Even if we have no control over some factors we should still support each other through words and advice right??
i must be ranting by now
@Jonnybegood , your right. I believe friendship is more precious than money, and here to encourage and love each other equally. And help each other as much as possible xxx
It’s important to have some money. It’s just evil. You inspired my rant. But it wasn’t anything wrong you said. More like you were right… but I thought I’d add some additional details based upon my perspective of money <3