Long days of schizo

I just qualified for disability. I’m 32 years old. I’ll make around $600 per month. I live at home with my parents. I just feel like days are longer now. I don’t have much of a routine and really fell out of a lot of hobbies. Anyone else have trouble passing time?


The disability will help out some. Good things.

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American disability seems low. is it cheap?

It’s barely enough to pay my bills

Yeah, I was thinking. can you even survive on that.

Go fishing :+1: 15151

I’m on ssdi and I’m bored alot. The key is to find something to do, go for a walk or call a friend. Maybe go to church. Volunteer. Find out what’s good for you.

I’m on Social Security Disability in the US, and I get $1850.00 a month. I was homeless and living in transitional housing when a lawyer sued to get me benefits. Here it always pays to get a lawyer.

Motley Fool days the average disability payment is $1262.00, and the average retirement payment is $1549.00. I guess I did well.

I’m in a poor part of Iowa I get 720 and I’ve got a computer. I frequently play games, watch people play games, I learn more about games, I shop online, I paint, I frequently sleep in, and while I have some resentment for how I was raised I’ve gotten the anger out and don’t have any unfinished business with my family. If I died tomorrow I wouldn’t become a ghost. Anyone I care about that I had anything I wanted to say to em… and haven’t has been taken care of.

I think the days generally go by fast enough. I don’t have a lot of money but I live at home so I can sort of save some. I’m going to have to tighten the belt and become more frugal in the future when my mom is older but it wouldn’t hurt to get started now.

For now though I’m exercising I’ve started to get back a little bit of my desires to do things, even if I start to get tired immediately when I start to do them.

I think life could be worse.


There is SSI and SSDI (Social Security Disability Income). SSDI is based on your percentage of disability and how much you earned when you worked. I made a lot of money in my late teens and 20’s when I was working. When I was about 30, my SzA kicked in, and I was unable to work anymore, other than being the janitor/stock clerk in my aunt-in-law’s convenience store for 32 hours a week.

Ssdi is a good program. I was young when SZ hit me. So I don’t get much from ssdi. It is not enough for me to survive on. I have to work on top of it to pay my bills. Thankfully, there are work incentives and safety nets(such as expedited reinstatement) that allow me to work some. My days go by very fast for some reason. I think it helps to stay busy and have hobbies. Sometimes I wish they went slower and I had more free time. Anyways, congratulations on winning disability and welcome to the club!

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I am passing the time very well.
I have a lot of things to do.
Regarding income, I hope that with time I will be able to earn money.

I am hoping to get a part time job at some point for some extra cash. Not sure if it’s ssi or ssdi. They just deposited money in my account.

I get 1k a month due to my work credits. The first few years since diagnosis I spent grappling with delusions. Now that those are gone I am at a loss for what to do with my time. I’m not quite ready to go back to work but I no longer need a fulltime caretaker so I’m sort of in limbo. Hoping I’m ready next year, or at least by the time they have a vaccine which I expect will be 2021 or 2022.

I just found out I get 1k per month now. That’s good news. I thought it was only $600 which would barely pay my bills. At least now I can have some breathing room.
Kinda funny. I used to make the same amount at the Olive Garden when I cooked there. Shows how little I made for 5 years of my life. I’m so used to being poor though I am thankful for social security. I am not ready to go back to work yet. I get so paranoid in public places.

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