Schizophrenics making more than 100k dollars

Are there any people working making more than 100k dollars a year?

I am not making nearly that much. I read research that even those with this illness who are doing well earn very less. If someone who is successful and lurks on the forum, and is doing well, please provide me hope that I can make at least that much money one day.


Are there real people who make so much ?
I alway wonder is it make or earn :thinking:
I feel in business one will make,
And daily job one will earn,
I dont belong to none of the above.

I just checked my QA role when I used to work
Compair in US its 90k
Vs mine was actual 3k

PS: you can !!!

That salary is is median in marketing / advertising / design.
No college degree required. Just skills / talent / work history / portfolio.
Also knew programmers self taught who earned that plus or minus.


I could make a lot more than that, but I have issues focusing.

I have credentials to be an actuary. I am trading stocks but I am failing at it.

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Maybe its just the market is so volatile right now. @angledangle

I imagine it to be a safer gamble to invest if you had capital.
Right now as stocks are so low.

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Yes it is but it has been more than a year and I have been losing my capital.

Therefore, I was thinking along the lines of becoming an Actuary. But, I have difficulty focusing for sustained periods. I read research on schizophrenics who are high functioning (such as those with doctorates) and they are not making more than 50000 dollars a year either.

I know of people with SZ making more than $100K/year here in Canada.

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I think there are so many variables - including job field.

I was never a high achiever - but for my work life - I got lucky someone gave me a chance in my field.

Good luck - it is very hard to work with SZ for me.

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I haven’t made that kind of money since I gotten ill. Don’t care either. I have no ambition to be a high flier anymore. Just want to make the best of it.


Surely a rarity

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I made more than that before I got sick. With my retirement, VA disability, SSDI and our own business and a rental house I still bring home that much or more.


For neurotypicals as well.


Hmm for Europe that’s quite a lot of money. I used to earn around €55k a year at my best. Surely for an equivalent position they pay better in the USA or in Canada.


I am available for adoption, sir. I could be the son you always wanted.



Depends on where in Europe. Swiss and Luxembourg salaries are higher than in the US. Belgian salaries are on average lower.

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70-100K is considered a good salary for most of the US.

But you would need dual income to live in California on that salary without assistance.

You’re right, I used to work in France. I know people who work in Luxemburg or Switzerland and they make a lot more.

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I don’t know anyone with schizophrenia in my community. I think it is rarer in my part of the world.

In the US it is very common. For instance, a qualified actuary makes 250 k plus with 10 years or more experience. 85000 is the starting in New York which is where I was before.

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I have networked with other high-functioning SZs in Canada through social media.