If I had kids.... or a kid

at this point in your life… if you have a kid or have kids… what would you do differently that your parents didn’t do or did?

  • teach morals and culture without religious dogma.
  • keep out of religious activities such as going to church but I would teach my kids about a loving creator and higher power and the importance of meditation/prayer.
  • send him to the very best school in the area and make a lot of effort on his education
  • teach him charity and giving and loving and standing up for others
  • teach him/her how to sit, talk, move, eat and dress for certain events. savoir vivre
  • send him to artistic and sportive activities - hockey, painting, guitar, karate, ice skating and whatever I find he or she is good at.
  • teach him to sit at a dinner table everyday with family and respect his parents.

I think my parents did a good job - especially my mom. But the religious and sunday school studies had a huge impact on me and my mental health. I don’t like it and I stay away from it.
My dad needed help himself but I do love him a lot. He drinks and curses and smokes and is aggressive and full of hate for people - I think this had a huge impact on me too. Maybe my racing thoughts are similar to that.
If my parents loved each other and respected each other - I would think differently about love and marriage and be more at peace, who knows?!
I wish my mom was a lot more clever and smart - she is wise - but I don’t like the way she dresses at 53 years old and does her hair and stuff - i don’t even like her family. But I was born into this family - I changed a lot after having the opportunity to travel and live alone. It was life changing but it had a huge impact on me both negative and positive.

Who knows what the next 5-10 years hold? I am excited.