If I broke up with my boyfriend and he then went to my sister...., hypothetically

How do I deal with that situation?

Am I meant to be happy for them?

when I am in a relationship with him, how am I meant to feel good if i should be prepared for the worst case scenario that he goes to my sister.

i know i am not meant to think he is mine, but is that not natural in a love relationship

i am so confused

how to feel okay in a relationship when the guy always fancies my sister

what is the point of life even

if i don’t have a happy relationship

btw i am not sure about open relationships anymore

me and my sister are like very similar in a way except that she is more confident than me, more beautiful physically than me

Yeah open relationships are not good. Someone is bound to get hurt. :shark::shark::shark:


yea I guess some of what you guys were saying might be right.

i don’t know if i can divide that kind of love between people

sort of dilutes the love perhaps isn’t it

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Were you talking to a therapist about this?

I’m sure there’s tons of men who would prefer you over your sister.

Everyone’s taste is different.


me and her are basically the same except that she is prettier and more confident.

so it is like choosing between strawberries and mouldy apples.

why would anyone choose mouldy apples

I mean I am not that bad compared to her but just for comparison sake

You can’t compare yourself to other people though. It will drive you nuts!!

I mean only a tiny percentage of the human race is some anemic super skinny mutant super model.

I think you’re just being hard on yourself. You’re very attractive and an extremely talented artist.


Wow Mae, you are posting up a storm today.

I don’t think playing out all these disastrous hypotheticals in your mind is productive.
and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think you just have a confidence problem more than anything else Mae. As Monte pointed out, you can’t compare yourself to other people. You ARE unique.


I don’t know how to stop the comparison though.

That is why I made the comparison thread to determine what i can do to neutralise the comparing.

i just dont want to get hurt anymore

last two guys i was with both fancied my sister and would probably have gone to her if she was interested in them :sob:

why should i ever bother with guys again

one of the guys talked about how he would ■■■■ my classy sister any day when he got angry with me

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he said at least my sister has a classy pussy and that i am public trash

Well, in all honesty it’s kinda white trash to be dating a woman and talk about having sex with her sister. That’s really icky in my opinion.

Find some nice handsome sensitive liberal dudes somewhere. Idk. :man_shrugging:


they just make me feel so awful and inferior all the men i ever dated

i feel like i do not trust men anymore to really be that interested in me compared to my sister

it just does not make sense then to open up to them intimately

anyways i am talking about myself too much

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Hugs to you ma’am. NO woman should be made to feel ashamed for her body. That’s no one’s business but hers.

These “men” sound like boys who probably laugh at stupid fart jokes.


I doubt that. I think you’re gorgeous

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Thanks for trying to make me feel better, it sort of helped…, :slightly_smiling_face:

i appreciate your warm words and they might hit me better later on when i reflect on this

one day

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Well kick ass! :slight_smile:

Take care, @Zoe .


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my feet and my vagina is not gorgeous according to guys i have dated.

i personally am so confused as to my own opinion about some of my features

i don’t know what to think anymore

plus i am not fit like her

she can exercise, and i can’t

well…i will try to do some pilates :woman_facepalming:

Something that helps me not compare myself to others is that I realize that a single strand of my dna :dna: is different than everyone else’s on the planet. I have my own gifts too. My sister is very beautiful but she’s not me. And I am not her.