Idk what just happened

I was watching TV and had just finished eating and then I got really depressed completely out of the blue. I feel despondent. No hope. Can you get depressed from eating? I was unstable earlier today but not depressed. I am going to get drunk now because I can’t handle this ■■■■. I have not had such a weird sudden shift in mood from happy and tired to really depressed before so I’m thinking it must be related to eating. I ate a lot. Would appreciate some input on this… sorry for having stupid issues.

I think for what you’ve been through lately you’re handling things pretty well, it’s normal to crash a bit after all those things. Don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s not stupid at all, completely valid.

I don’t think it’s the eating, but maybe the eating alone. It happened to me when I broke up with my exboyfriend.

We deal with sz, we can deal with whatever comes our way! I believe in you.

Don’t get too drunk.


Thank you Minnii, I really appreciate it. Maybe you’re right and I’m reacting to all the changes and stress. I won’t get too drunk. Just enough to get a little numb.

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Sorry @anon9798425 if I upset you earlier with the “grasping at straws” comment, I woke up from drinking and was in a bad mood when I saw your post

Hope you feel better.

I’ve had mood changes and people asked me “why are you in a bad mood” I tell them “I don’t know, I just am” …but never I don’t think it suddenly happened as if a push of a button :confounded:

Thank you @turningthepage. It’s wasn’t that comment though. I shouldn’t have assumed that about you when I wasn’t sure if I remembered correctly. Sorry.

It’s weird how fast I went from OK to crappy. Maybe the trigger was the WW2 documentary I was watching on TV… feel like a shitty worthless person now but it will pass.

It might be both the food and the documentary. The food makes you feel heavy and sleepy, the documentary makes you feel pessimistic and hopeless.

I don’t fully understand how our gut bacteria affects our mental state, but it’s not out of the question that your meal triggered this for you.

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It happens to me all the time. The best thing you can do is to not think about it, and not over analyze it because it is most likely just our sensitivity to various environmental factors.

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Two triggers and lots of pent-up emotions. It makes sense. Thank you @Rhubot and @Sarad.

Sometimes watching a movie makes me feel weird. Just like yesterday, I watched Trier’s Nymphomaniac, and the movie as all his work is so much suggestive that I felt sick for a couple of hours after that.

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Lars can do that to a person. Dogville affected me so much I couldn’t talk about it for a while.

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Alcohol is a depressant.


Sometimes if I am eating alone and I eat more than I think I should I get depressed. I don’t know if it is physiological or psychological. I don’t feel that way when I eat a lot around people.

It makes you feel good for a while, but you pay for it the next day.

that is normal for me ( though it is sadness not depression now )…it sucks, sorry. :ghost:
take care :alien:

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Uh no one has said that eating a lot makes you tired. I’m just gonna throw that in there. I just ate and I feel a bit less sharp. I’m sharper but more irritable when I am hungry.

But hey I do have a possible explanation for it- could be a caffeine crash. I have had those and wow they feel like crap.

Could be your meds. When my meds hit I feel my brain turn its power down.

I would not advise getting drunk. Then you’ll have a hangover. Then you will feel worse.

First of all, do not drink. That is the worst thing you can do along with smoking pot.

I get depressed at night sometimes. It is part and parcel of SZ. I combat my night depression by laying on the bed with my cat or I just lay on the bed by myself if he isn’t around. It gets me ready to go to sleep. I also have decaf coffee or green tea around 6 or 7pm.

I think it might be part of the sz. I got randomly mad the other day for absolutely no reason at all. It was just a feeling that came over me and it definitely felt like it was due to sz.

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