Ideas for activity today

I used to be fun mom but I’m dry of ideas now. I need ideas for some cheap things to do with my family that might be easy for me today. They are teens. I am hoping I don’t have to fake it too much today :frowning:
Any ideas?

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you could make a flower beasket

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I have no idea how to do that. Thanks though for sharing.

I’m thinking but I’m not coming up with anything so great. It’s sort of a stretch but are you tech savy at all? Alexa/echo has been a greater advent for my quality of life than the iPhone.

I’m a broken record but I can give you my fave band: The National… it’s a shade anti corporation/ maybe a shade rah rah masculine but he’s married, he gets psychological/vulnerable and not just on boy and girl matters. He made a song when he was scared after having a kid(I’m afraid of everyone), and he made one for his little brother, A Standout gives me the chills: “I Should Live in Salt”,

I’ll keep thinking though…

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Thank you for helping me with ideas. I will give your suggestion some thought. Re being tech savvy maybe they would want to make a tictoc video or something. I barely know what that is but maybe they’d like that.
@anon64158233 @DrZen


Scrapbooking? 151515

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