I can’t be absolutely sure that Ozempic is the cause of my most recent gastro issues, as I also had a Endoscopy/Colonoscopy/polyp removal and the prep for those procedures, but I can tell you that a few weeks ago, I did not have these problems anywhere near to this degree.
Last night I spent almost all night, lying down for 15 or 20 minutes trying to sleep, then developing gas bloating in my stomach and having to get up and belch so hard that I think I shook the houses foundation. Then would have to move around a bit to get the remaining gas worked off. Then lay down again and repeat the process again. I did this for about 6 hours.
During one session I felt like I was going to vomit as well and spent about 10 minutes over the toilet attempting to resolve it.
I’m growing very weary of all the people saying how these drugs are so great. So I offer an alternative voice for those of us who they don’t work so great.
I might actually be able to lose some weight on this drug now. But not because its some great miracle drug, but because it makes me so sick and bloated that I’m almost afraid to eat.
Perhaps a similar solution and equally effective solution might be to hire someone to punch me in the gut every time I think about eating. Seems like it might be just as effective and I could probably hire someone full time for less than this drug costs.
I’ll be contacting my doctor Monday to set up an appointment to try to figue out whats what. I will most likely be discontinuing its use at that time.
I read last night(since I was awake anyway), that some of these weight loss drugs not only cause stomach paralysis in some, but can also cause intestinal blockages.
I have no idea if my current symptoms will go away upon discontinuation or not.
If these are “typical”, is it really worth it? I was on them for a bit without anything to the degree thats happening now. I don’t know if I believe that this degree of symptoms is typical or normal.
I don’t know how common it is for severe stomach issues as you are describing but Ozempic and similar drugs do cause gastrointestinal issues in general.
And no it’s not worth it.
They also say Ozempic can be the cause of acid reflux. So it probably caused my current “Barretts Esophogus” as well, for which I have to have a 2ND Endoscopy in couple more months.
i would bet money on it being the ozempic. one of my family members took it years ago and had to keep a trash can in the closet at work because they kept throwing up.
and the burping and stuff is because the digestion is slowed so the food is sitting a long time and probably fermenting in the stomach or higher up than it should be
Until you see the doctor, drink lots of water with each meal, do not lie down until two hours after eating, eat a gastroparesis diet which means no raw veggies, no fried foods at all, and eat only a little at a time. When I was diagnosed with gastroparesis this all helped.
yep this. gastroparesis diet looks pretty much like a 5 year olds diet. white bread. goldfish crackers. everything easily digestable and in small amounts. i did this before too.
I should also add, get an elevated support cushion for when you lie down, so your body is not completely flat. It encourages digestion while lying down, and helps prevent heartburn, too. It made a huge difference for me.
Also eat very very slowly. Do not gulp your food down. Chew your food well before swallowing. Putting your food in a blender makes it easier to digest.